Greentree Field & Cobb Stadium getting new playing surfaces

Jul 26, 2012
Via Chris Freet


I guess that explains the use of the intramural fields for The Golden Football Camps.

Glad they are getting new surfaces and this defintely explains it. My only question is, if we knew we wanted to redo the surfaces and we knew that camp was in June, why did resurface this month? Could have done it before or after...I'm just saying. But hey, glad we're getting something new and nice.
Perfect time between end of spring and before fall ball. Gotta give field time to set in
Lulz at the guys who were criticizing Al for not holding the camp at Greentree.

You would think some of the fans on the site would get it by now....smh at those that were critical over the weekend when it was posted where the camp was held. Al gets it!!!!
Don't know about Greentree, but back in the day (early to mid 2000's) the intramural fields were really nice. Not sure what happened, or if the photos were just from one spot that was particularly bad.
NEW STADIUM? put up a few bleachers WE BAK...

This was needed..that field was chopped has been used more the last few years then the previous few years
I actually think the idea of using the intramural fields was better... It's more access to view the entire camp as a parent... Last year it was crowded in the roped up area and everywhere else you'd be trying to watch through the fence... It's also right next to where they eat lunch. I took my son to camp the past two years and I enjoyed this year more... Also shaded area from all the trees along the sidelines of camp. I doubt they're touch up the fields and waste there money on it... It looked good enough to play on... I've seen high school games played on worse surface... Lots of rain prob made it look worse than it really was... I thought it was fine.