Golden's text message to Perryman (Warning, tear worthy)

we need five years from Al and no doubt we win a conference and probably national title

He stays 10 years we win 2 or 3, maybe more. I have no doubt in this. And best part, I think he knows this is the place he can do it at.
We are blessed, truly blessed. Golden will win at least one national title before he peaces out. Trust the man and his plan.
In Coker's defense, he was doing this years ago.

Explain to me why you wouldn't want to play for this guy?

Cause kids are stupid and don't realize what they have in front of them. I would gladly go to war for this guy (with my briefcase) and I am not on the team. I also think he truly means what he says and is not just openly lying to these kids.
Explain to me why you wouldn't want to play for this guy?

Cause kids are stupid and don't realize what they have in front of them. I would gladly go to war for this guy (with my briefcase) and I am not on the team. I also think he truly means what he says and is not just openly lying to these kids.
He definitely means everything he says.
