Golden on the investigation

Arguing with MiamiNites is pointless. Anyone with half a brain could see that having a totally new scheme, new staff, a massive distraction and the loss of 8 major contributors less than a week before the game is not a recipe for success. He's not going to listen to reason, but he'll claim it's because he has "high standards" and will ignore context as though it has no bearing....typical uninformed Cane fan that's living vicariously through a team from the 80s.
Mods, is there anything we can do about this thread?

It started out with great info, then just turned into another grassy ****fest thread. The endless back and forth between the same people really gets old.

We have all been talking about miami football. There has been no name calling or needless bashing of posters so what is the problem?

He needs to be this whity and cunning vs the opposition on gameday. Not on some misc day in the winter vs some useless reporter.

Shouldn't he both, on and off the field? Not sure what you're getting at.

His gameday coaching, game planning/adjustments don't match his interview skills and his ability to handle impromtu questions. At this point there's a huge disparity.

I thought you didn't have an axe to grind? You seem borderline obsessive.

He needs to be this whity and cunning vs the opposition on gameday. Not on some misc day in the winter vs some useless reporter.

Shouldn't he both, on and off the field? Not sure what you're getting at.

His gameday coaching, game planning/adjustments don't match his interview skills and his ability to handle impromtu questions. At this point there's a huge disparity.

I thought you didn't have an axe to grind? You seem borderline obsessive.

What's wrong about what i said?
MiamiNites clearly doesn't understand what talent is. His best bud Shantard left with very little of it on the roster, that's fact.

It's not a fact. Meanwhile the unbiased people who have no agenda/ aren't excuse makers has invited 8 players to the NFL combine. Just curious to how many guys from BC and Maryland got picked?