Golden Griffins versus Canes 5 p.m. (maybe)

Big time drop which led to our stud closer throwing an extra 12-15 pitches. It was crucial. Yes it happens just shouldn’t happen in top of 9th in home regional with your closer who shouldn’t be on the mound out there
No one’s disagreeing. Shouldn’t happen, but does - in Omaha, to big leaguers and even top 8 seeds.

A high scoring game tonight, we win a clean game and use next to no arms then game 3 tomorrow is another slugfest with AZ and Ole Miss is a dream scenario.

I love the U too much not to say this and balance the force. But it means we will be sworn enemies. My middle finger will be my smile and my smile will be my butt cheeks.

Sometimes in life you get what you want. And it fucccin bites you in the ***. But and this is a big but sometimes reality was your dream!

So gonfucckkkkkk yourself😎
I think we got our cherries popped today. I think for this regional, we fuccin fuccin atleast!
Lotta warts but still a win. Walters threw too many pitches and now we may be at a disadvantage in a high leverage situation going forward. Dom was horrific- 2 errors and 0-4 but Yoyo locked in like this is a huge advantage.
i could be wrong UF is the home team vs OU. FSU is the home team vs Auburn
For sure against Ole Miss because they won’t have been the home team yet. I think they’d do a coin toss for Arizona.

This is a multiyear one man crusade of mine that they should ignore “fairness” and always let the higher seeded team bat last, unless it’s a best two of three situation like the Supers.
What’s our pitching situation look like after Palm starts tomorrow?
Fire Elmo GIF