Golden banner

Locked and loaded. We're on from 9am to 11AM (when the air restriction begins) on Saturday morning. The tentative message is:

Thanks Al, Donna & Team. #FullSpeedAhead

If anyone needs a rationale for this message, here you go -->

1) Lots of complaints about #WeStandWithU and #WeStandWithTheU variations.
2) Those who hate the overuse of hashtags, I'm with you. However, our best bet to make this viral is literally to use the #FullSpeedAhead message on social media (twitter).
3) Golden is before Donna because he's the face and the leader of this ship. He came here and stood his ground when many suggested he should bounce.
4) Lots of posters wanted Shalala on there because she stood with the program and supported.
5) Team includes staff, admin, current and former players and fans. It's inclusive of the "U Family."
6) No more reasons, cojones.

This message and the contract gets finalized tomorrow. Take pictures. Tweet Manny. Tweet Susan Miller. Tweet everyone. Consider adding #CanesinsightFam or #CIS to your tweets.

Thanks to all who generously chipped in. This is good ****.

*By the way, upon request, I dropped the comma before the "Al," but the intentional error makes me cringe. I'm a weird guy. That **** should read "Thanks, Al, Donna & Team..."

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Just caught up with this. Tremendous work from all involved, thanks for putting it together Lu and Co.
...*By the way, upon request, I dropped the comma before the "Al," but the intentional error makes me cringe. I'm a weird guy. That **** should read "Thanks, Al, Donna & Team..."
Direct address commas sound important to you, Lu. But where's the love for the oxford comma?
Great job Lu and kudos to all the a-holes who put their money where their mouth is. Can't wait to see it!!!
As mentioned earlier, we should bring another huge sign over to the hurricane walk.

"We stand with U" or something
Locked and loaded. We're on from 9am to 11AM (when the air restriction begins) on Saturday morning. The tentative message is:

Thanks Al, Donna & Team. #FullSpeedAhead

If anyone needs a rationale for this message, here you go -->

1) Lots of complaints about #WeStandWithU and #WeStandWithTheU variations.
2) Those who hate the overuse of hashtags, I'm with you. However, our best bet to make this viral is literally to use the #FullSpeedAhead message on social media (twitter).
3) Golden is before Donna because he's the face and the leader of this ship. He came here and stood his ground when many suggested he should bounce.
4) Lots of posters wanted Shalala on there because she stood with the program and supported.
5) Team includes staff, admin, current and former players and fans. It's inclusive of the "U Family."
6) No more reasons, cojones.

This message and the contract gets finalized tomorrow. Take pictures. Tweet Manny. Tweet Susan Miller. Tweet everyone. Consider adding #CanesinsightFam or #CIS to your tweets.

Thanks to all who generously chipped in. This is good ****.

*By the way, upon request, I dropped the comma before the "Al," but the intentional error makes me cringe. I'm a weird guy. That **** should read "Thanks, Al, Donna & Team..."
Perfect. repping Al and Donna.
...*By the way, upon request, I dropped the comma before the "Al," but the intentional error makes me cringe. I'm a weird guy. That **** should read "Thanks, Al, Donna & Team..."
Direct address commas sound important to you, Lu. But where's the love for the oxford comma?

It's making me very uncomfortable, bruh.

If one comma is omitted, or misplaced, you'll be hearing from my grammar attorney!