After both Brock and Reece were praising the refs for not calling the backward pass on Cal, their opinion on anything officiating related was rendered useless.


The Mickey Mouse Mafia is getting exposed. I am here to collect every single fücking tear. They are my elixir.

Ponce De Leon’s fountain of youth was filled with all the tears of our enemies.

Excuse me boys I’m going for a swim now.
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Am I the only one who thought are these refs blind. It was clearly a backward pass.
That play was blown on the field. They should have never blown whistle. And had they not, the Cal player picks it up and runs for about 10 or so. So we did get break there. But that was an interesting review. If they did rule it a backward pass, where would the ball be spotted? I think they knew it was backwards, and didn’t know what to do with it.
that cuck was sucking cal off and hating on the canes every time he opened his mouth. Part of the canes hatred. Feels good to shut his *** off with the w.
I’m glad the refs didn’t bail them out of a 25 point collapse which is exactly what Cal wanted! And if it wasn’t completely egregious I think the ref made the decision to let the game be decided on the field and not by them. Cal was still up 38-32 btw. But of course nobody will talk about that. Smh. Cal was wanted a lucky break anyway they could get it. And it wasn’t gonna happen. Welcome to the ACC!
If the qb popped up right away no one would of thought anything bout it. WB helmet hit his shoulder pads and he had his hands involved too in the hit.
That play was blown on the field. They should have never blown whistle. And had they not, the Cal player picks it up and runs for about 10 or so. So we did get break there. But that was an interesting review. If they did rule it a backward pass, where would the ball be spotted? I think they knew it was backwards, and didn’t know what to do with it.
The rules are simple. Because they blew it dead, the ball gets spotted where it is recovered, so that’s a 10 yard loss which probably changes that series and takes points off the board.

And that was very clearly a backward pass. Not even debatable. They got it wrong on the field despite it not being close AND they got it wrong post replay review.
That play was blown on the field. They should have never blown whistle. And had they not, the Cal player picks it up and runs for about 10 or so. So we did get break there. But that was an interesting review. If they did rule it a backward pass, where would the ball be spotted? I think they knew it was backwards, and didn’t know what to do with it.
Also, Cal recovered it 10 yards behind the line of scrimmage, so even if they don’t blow it dead, at best, they get back to the line of scrimmage. But the reality is, they blew it dead and blowing a play dead doesn’t negate a backward pass.
I didn't see all angles. Did we catch a break with that targeting call?
It was questionable but what most people don’t realize is that the rules around targeting were changed, making targeting less likely to get called. Additionally, it was a hit on a player that was NOT defenseless, which further makes it harder to get targeting. Both those things combined resulted in the ruling on the field standing.