Glimmer of hope GT game

I am excited to see who steps up on defense, sometimes it takes not having the 'man' in there for other guys to shine. I think Paul could really step up as well as Bush, and I am hoping to see some life out of the DL. I think we have a better than punchers chance, I believe in these players. Probably more than I should but I just cant get my green and orange shades off!

I like our chances,we have done really well the last few times we played them. I can't believe I am saying this ,but frio had the team prepared for tech!
The biggest part of the game for us is the offense needs to put points on the board early. Not just fg's either. Getting and early td and a defensive atop and scoring again puts more pressure on their offense. Things go wrong when you have to press. If we can be soy.d and ready to score early we very well could win this game. This is a must if not we get blown out again.

I am thinking along the same lines. We haven't seen this offense clicking yet and its itching to. Once we get over that hump we will be in a better position to help out our D while it matures. Especially when supplemented by the home-run plays by el DUQUE. We have been so spoiled thus far in that regard.
I don't think we can stop them cold like 2009 or 2011. But there's always a chance if could unfold like 2010, where they get plenty of yards but not at the crucial stages of the game, and blow opportunities with turnovers. You never want to concede anything to Tevin Washington.

On defense they are more confident and aggressive than recent seasons. No doubt many plays will be destroyed. Our athletes need to take full advantage when something's there.

In short, I don't think we can win the flow of the game but the scoreboard is not out of reach. Very possible the game starts and all of a sudden we can relax, that it's comparable talent on each side. Take our chances. It certainly doesn't carry the hopeless feeling of the Kansas State matchup, on the road against a talented veteran Big 12 team and a clever quarterback who befuddled us last year, among many other teams.
I don't see any glimmer. Our O is gonna have to play better than we've seen & our D is gonna have to play flawless football. Don't fool yourself... our 18 & 19 year olds are gonna have to seriously step it to win. Unfortunately this ain't your daddy's UM...we aren't necessarily better than our opponents. If we play good tomorrow- it's a dogfight. We can win...but it's gonna take a great great effort on both sides of the ball.