Get Your Hate On - Notre Dame

I hate the golden dome pieces of wretched ****. Lou Holtz, aka marble mouth, has no place in tv broadcast yet every year we have to listen to the same old **** and listen to him spew his hatred for Miami even when they're not talking about Miami.

I'd like to see his face when we put them back in the hole they came out of next weekend.

serious hostile environment.

LOL at the "neutral site" of this game.

seems legit.webp
Da *** is that ^^^

A photograph

what part of

Ladies and Gentleman, I hate Notre Dame. Pretty sure you guys hate them too. This thread was created so that all your hatred for them could be poured out. Start posting Notre Dame related videos, pics, gifs, and photoshops of their ***-hattery to keep us busy this week. Let's get this **** started:

do you not get ..... do we have to see ND celebrating in the thread....?

That photo is intended to **** people off in a good way. I was there that day and am using the Son Bowl as motivation.
Da *** is that ^^^

A photograph

what part of

Ladies and Gentleman, I hate Notre Dame. Pretty sure you guys hate them too. This thread was created so that all your hatred for them could be poured out. Start posting Notre Dame related videos, pics, gifs, and photoshops of their ***-hattery to keep us busy this week. Let's get this **** started:

do you not get ..... do we have to see ND celebrating in the thread....?

That photo is intended to **** people off in a good way. I was there that day and am using the Son Bowl as motivation.

well **** it worked in ****ing me off ...... So I guess mission accomplished
I honestly hate everything Notre Dame stands for. To me they represent what College football was supposed to be. 22 White guys playing football clean and simple. I F*$King hate them. They're one notch below Duke, (Don't get me started on them). While I want Miami to win, I rather them just tear Tommy Rees' Rotator Cuff, Manti Teo gets knocked out with a concussion, and We have Duke Johnson truck one of their corners.
The only way to get them to agree to this game was to do this. I think we split the revenue and we get a Prime time slot when they are relevant and we are rising. Couldnt ask for better timing. If we lose, no biggie, if we win, we definitely land on the radar. Just throw our freshmens out there and let em fly around and have some fun.
I hope nobody dies from Brian Kelly's neglliance or gets raped by a Notre Dame player between now and Saturday.