Let me reply to those who said I swore Grabass was staying……
All I ever said was that I had a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad feeling that he was.What else could you have when 2 months after this staring into space,wasting 28 seconds every snap,no TD scoring for games,worst OC in the history of everdom,Jackleg of a coach was still employed could you have.
I know the guys in the know said he was gone and that’s the only reason I didn’t come right out and say he wasn’t going anywhere.The reason I hoped my baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad feeling was something other than a master binding up of a lot of foods that I shouldn’t be eating at my age.
Having said all this I’m will be a man and GLADLY

and say that I was wrong and that baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad feeling was gas and that hearing he had been axed this morning I was able to take one of the most enjoyable craps this morning that a person could possibly have. I am happy to report my baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad feeling is completely gone and I’m ready to move forward with regular movements on the daily( even though at my age I might need a little help).
So here I am more happy to take an L more than any L I’ve ever taken in the past and apologize to Cribby and the rest of our great insiders who tried to ease the pain in my gut every day by promising he was gone but after some 60 years of watching the Canes do stupid sHT after stupid sHT I have gotten to a “ show me “ state where when things like this clown still being employed when he should of been fired 5 minutes after the last game in front of all the offensive players who he ruined or tried to ruin I just figured this was just another in a loooooooooooooong line of cluster****s by the Canes.
To Cribby and others who tried to tell me he was gone I apologize and I’ll never doubt nor let myself have a baaaaaaaaaaaaaad feeling again when you are just trying to help an old man to know that this baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad feeling I was having was actually a lot of bad foods just trying to get out and instead of worrying that it was being caused by nerves that this waste on 3.6 million might still be employed and killing us again next year all I needed to do was just go take a big dose of a laxative.Please accept my apologies.