Tears Gator Tears

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And this guy's actually a writer on GayturdBait:

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Here ya go, Blake. We're espousing the virtues of Brantley as a good citizen. He wasn't charged due to insufficient evidence.

The truth is, we don't know what actually happened but I can assure you that we're more focused on laughing at your constant Gayturd whining than on the actions of Brantley or Callaway for that matter. Now go and write something about how your gonna flip Jobe to feed to your fellow turds.

This is one of the times when UF attorneys who post on that board should speak up.

"Innocent"...and "not enough evidence to prosecute"...ARE TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS.

No UM or F$U fan should "speak up" or "retract prior statements" at all. Nothing has changed. The event still happened, the girl was still injured, only now (because the police were so lackadaisical in their investigation) the state attorney does not want to risk losing the case.

Caleb Brantley is not "innocent", and those scumbag Gators shouldn't be allowed to assert such false statements.

One of my friends is an attorney in Gainesville and actually talked to me about this case because he was approached about possibly being an attorney for the accuser. And before anyone accuses him of being biased, he loathes the AD and how they coddle athletes. Anyways, what happened is Brantley got into a scuffle with some friends of the girl, not the actual girl. While he's arguing with them the girl begins pushing and punching him, I guess as a defense to her friends, and he pushes her away. She was never punched nor did she have her teeth knocked out, that's fabricated BS. She apparently did fall from the push, however. When the story broke she tried to parlay a settlement out of Brantley to which him and his attorney declined. That's the entirety of the story in a nutshell. They actually had security footage from that bar and multiple witnesses that corroborated his version of the story and in the initial police report the GIRL was listed as the aggressor.

/back to bashing UF's recruiting
/McElwain is trash

Again, I'm not fighting the substance of those statements. What you have is an issue of severity. The events happened. There was a fight, whether it was a heavyweight championship bout or just a bunch of hair-pulling, who knows. Some people were impacted. The seriousness of the injuries may be in question, but that doesn't make the guy "innocent".

I've been drunk in bars, surrounded by drunk people, many times in my life and I miraculously find ways to handle things that do not result in women being knocked to the floor.

Again, I'm fine with the situation as is, but to act as if CERTAIN FANS were wrong for being critical, and that now we owe some sort of widespread retraction? Yeah, that UF poster can go to ****.

Fair. And any poster that would call for an apology from another fanbase cares way too much about Internet reputation. Rival fans are gonna talk about **** that happens to their rivals, comes with the territory.
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And when you guys miss on Fields... Then what?

Fields is more realistic than some think but in the end I don't think he comes to UF. If I had to guess UF goes without a QB this year or signs a lesser player. And McElwain will continue to be the worst recruiter at any sport I've ever seen at UF.

I still don't get why we haven't recruited Fields. They've banked it all on landing him so if that doesn't happen the anti-Mac sentiment will be pretty high over there.
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this is funny. I was at that game and the only section that wasn't completely full was the overflow student section because they overestimated the amount of students that would make it into the stadium. At that time, UM students just had to show their cane card and they were given a wristband that told them the section they were sitting in. At that time they didn't really do a good job of finding out how many students would actually go to the game and just guessed. That obviously backfired for that game because they assumed like 80% of both Undergrad and Grad school students would go and it didn't happen. So you had the pretty obvious eyesore of one entire empty section in the upperbowl.

That mistake has been fixed as now students have to go online and claim a ticket by Wednesday before the game.

this is funny. I was at that game and the only section that wasn't completely full was the overflow student section because they overestimated the amount of students that would make it into the stadium. At that time, UM students just had to show their cane card and they were given a wristband that told them the section they were sitting in. At that time they didn't really do a good job of finding out how many students would actually go to the game and just guessed. That obviously backfired for that game because they assumed like 80% of both Undergrad and Grad school students would go and it didn't happen. So you had the pretty obvious eyesore of one entire empty section in the upperbowl.

That mistake has been fixed as now students have to go online and claim a ticket by Wednesday before the game.

I'm pretty confident you have that backwards.
They USED to make students go online to claim their ticket, but that ended in like 2014/15 for football, and like in 2013 for basketball.
Starting in 2015 or 2016 students did NOT have to check in online. And I'm pretty sure that was still how they did it last season.
The way they're talking about Corey Bell sounds like us with Rumph at the beginning (and still to some extent).

Wow. UiF and F$U are 1 and 2 in athletes involved in criminal activity.

Pretty hypocritical. I and most of us who
Were real came fans back in the 80s and 90s used to laugh at all our problems when we were winning. Now we have to find a program equally as mediocre as ours has been to point out their criminal

Pretty funny. Now our fan base is taking the sanctimonious approach to the law.

I'm starting to see why people don't like you. This is, specifically, a thread to bask in the misery of the gators, so you can fck right the fck off.

You are really a slow learner, "starting"

I just like to give folks the benefit of the doubt.
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And when you guys miss on Fields... Then what?

Fields is more realistic than some think but in the end I don't think he comes to UF. If I had to guess UF goes without a QB this year or signs a lesser player. And McElwain will continue to be the worst recruiter at any sport I've ever seen at UF.

I still don't get why we haven't recruited Fields. They've banked it all on landing him so if that doesn't happen the anti-Mac sentiment will be pretty high over there.

The Anti-Mac sentiment is already high among the fans with a brain. His offenses are worse than Muschamp's and he can't recruit for ****. And according to the friend I have in Gainesville he's a huge ****, supposedly worse than Meyer. And my buddy loathed Meyer despite the winning for his arrogance and the way he ran the program. So there's that.
Skinny jean wearing [MENTION=4559]hamburgerhipster[/MENTION] had to be a gaturd troll. The fact that he doesn't understand **** bashing, and was actually critical of it, proves he is no cane.

Gator hate is part of being a cane.

Hope he's permanently band
Skinny jean wearing [MENTION=4559]hamburgerhipster[/MENTION] had to be a gaturd troll. The fact that he doesn't understand **** bashing, and was actually critical of it, proves he is no cane.

Gator hate is part of being a cane.

Hope he's permanently band

This thread's been good for Cane camaraderie on CIS at the expense of the turds. He came in this thread purely to troll us and derail it. He thought he was going to take a big hipster shît here, make a mockery of us and walk away unscathed like he usually does with his God awful porsts. I'm glad the mods made quick work of him.
View attachment 45330

And when you guys miss on Fields... Then what?

Fields is more realistic than some think but in the end I don't think he comes to UF. If I had to guess UF goes without a QB this year or signs a lesser player. And McElwain will continue to be the worst recruiter at any sport I've ever seen at UF.

I still don't get why we haven't recruited Fields. They've banked it all on landing him so if that doesn't happen the anti-Mac sentiment will be pretty high over there.

The Anti-Mac sentiment is already high among the fans with a brain. His offenses are worse than Muschamp's and he can't recruit for ****. And according to the friend I have in Gainesville he's a huge ****, supposedly worse than Meyer. And my buddy loathed Meyer despite the winning for his arrogance and the way he ran the program. So there's that.

If his attitude is correct like you say then what Herbert said about his demeanor when he asked about you guys not having an OL coach is correct
Lol too many stars for Randy. He's gonna run them into the ground just like he did us