Tears Gator Tears

[MENTION=4271]Hstokes1447[/MENTION] good **** on bringing gator tears to life. It has provided constant entertainment during slow times.

Of course but please know the first mention I know of starting a Gator Tears thread was by [MENTION=1165]Dwinstitles[/MENTION]... I think it was a comment to me or I told him to do it after he made the comment... [MENTION=4271]Hstokes1447[/MENTION] kicked it off nicely and he's a big gator tears guy too. I think it will ultimately become the longest running, most successful thread on CIS.

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I was a Cane fan before you were a waste of a hardon in your daddy's pants...

...is pretty much exactly what a uf spy would say.

Yup, passive aggressive, childish, and stupid... ufag spy for sure.

It's a shame really. He spent a whole month trying to make that account look legit, then he went and blew it by trying a little too hard. A pro would have waited for an opportunity to sew real discord.

Yea I've spent the last 10-12 years on other sites just trying to set up this facade...just goes to show , you can find idiots on this board just like you can on the **** board......shame too cause I was really hoping otherwise.

There's guys on here that know me as Cajun on other sites and can tell you I've been around for years and have been a Cane fan for over 50 years.So get your jollys thinking otherwise if you like cause this old Cane could care less WTF you think.
I was a Cane fan before you were a waste of a hardon in your daddy's pants...

...is pretty much exactly what a uf spy would say.

Yup, passive aggressive, childish, and stupid... ufag spy for sure.

It's a shame really. He spent a whole month trying to make that account look legit, then he went and blew it by trying a little too hard. A pro would have waited for an opportunity to sew real discord.

Yea I've spent the last 10-12 years on other sites just trying to set up this facade...just goes to show , you can find idiots on this board just like you can on the **** board......shame too cause I was really hoping otherwise.

There's guys on here that know me as Cajun on other sites and can tell you I've been around for years and have been a Cane fan for over 50 years.So get your jollys thinking otherwise if you like cause this old Cane could care less WTF you think.

Why are we picking on Key West Conch? He's older than me for God's sake. Happy Mother's Day to all of you btw.
...is pretty much exactly what a uf spy would say.

Yup, passive aggressive, childish, and stupid... ufag spy for sure.

It's a shame really. He spent a whole month trying to make that account look legit, then he went and blew it by trying a little too hard. A pro would have waited for an opportunity to sew real discord.

Yea I've spent the last 10-12 years on other sites just trying to set up this facade...just goes to show , you can find idiots on this board just like you can on the **** board......shame too cause I was really hoping otherwise.

There's guys on here that know me as Cajun on other sites and can tell you I've been around for years and have been a Cane fan for over 50 years.So get your jollys thinking otherwise if you like cause this old Cane could care less WTF you think.

Why are we picking on Key West Conch? He's older than me for God's sake. Happy Mother's Day to all of you btw.

No need to take up for me but I appreciate it.

I've been around these boards and have encountered many an idiot that likes to show their E-muscle by attacking someone.Believe me when I say it doesn't bother me a bit but you can call me pretty much anything other than something associated with UFAG.

And in all the years I've been around this thread BY FAR is the best thread I've ever read.I appreciate you and all the others that make my morning coffee more enjoyable cause it's usually the first thing I log on to in the morning.

Thank you sir and I'd also like to wish all the moms out there a Happy Mothers Day.Even the mothers of turds cause they have to suffer in the fact that their child has become a miserable douche and that he/she will never be anything more than a blight to society.
So ... back to pont of the thread. Has there been any more chatter from the UiF crew since Reese got CB'd by a bunch of guys on 247? I'm assuming they are going after him hard.
I've had access to both Gates and Noles sites for years but I don't have any clue how to post screenshots or pics for that matter. So I just read everyone else screenshots and enjoy.
Just waiting on the turds to rip their corch and recruiting over the Kai Leon Herbert interview.

I've had access to both Gates and Noles sites for years but I don't have any clue how to post screenshots or pics for that matter. So I just read everyone else screenshots and enjoy.
Please learn how to do it... It would be welcome here.
So ... back to pont of the thread. Has there been any more chatter from the UiF crew since Reese got CB'd by a bunch of guys on 247? I'm assuming they are going after him hard.

I don't have VIP access. I only saw one guy reference it defeatedly.
[MENTION=4271]Hstokes1447[/MENTION] good **** on bringing gator tears to life. It has provided constant entertainment during slow times.

Of course but please know the first mention I know of starting a Gator Tears thread was by [MENTION=1165]Dwinstitles[/MENTION]... I think it was a comment to me or I told him to do it after he made the comment... [MENTION=4271]Hstokes1447[/MENTION] kicked it off nicely and he's a big gator tears guy too. I think it will ultimately become the longest running, most successful thread on CIS.

Thanks for the support but u are holding it down rva foreal u poster of the year with this ****.....i havent popped off a video cuz of the program i got is retarded im looking for some free **** lol.
[MENTION=4271]Hstokes1447[/MENTION] good **** on bringing gator tears to life. It has provided constant entertainment during slow times.

Of course but please know the first mention I know of starting a Gator Tears thread was by [MENTION=1165]Dwinstitles[/MENTION]... I think it was a comment to me or I told him to do it after he made the comment... [MENTION=4271]Hstokes1447[/MENTION] kicked it off nicely and he's a big gator tears guy too. I think it will ultimately become the longest running, most successful thread on CIS.

Thanks for the support but u are holding it down rva foreal u poster of the year with this ****.....i havent popped off a video cuz of the program i got is retarded im looking for some free **** lol.

We could use another vid soon. Maybe when we get our next commit???

Oh the denial is strong over there lmao....wow salty as f*ck

We need to get someone on that board that can post
Wait till Micah Parsons commits, then we really about to have a meltdown over there
LOL, that's priceless. ... I really hope McElwain lasts at least a couple more years, they're unraveling over there.
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Oh the denial is strong over there lmao....wow salty as f*ck

We need to get someone on that board that can post

Yeaaaaah baby!!! This is better than I thought. I figured that they'd rip McEltooth not that they'd make excuses for him. What a bunch of sorry slurpers in denial of how bad their shît show is. Look at this as the purest example:

View attachment 45197

1. They didn't want Herbert lol ok
2. Mac whipped miami?? Ok...
3. The writer is a homer...like Luke has never been a homer and been unprofessional when talking about us.

Man they are sad and I only hope it gets better
LMAO! They're mad at David Lake. How dare a Canes writer ask questions of a recruit, the truth to which confirms what they all know and say about the recruiting skills of their shark fücking head corch:

Ummm... Nice storyline. We were only after Henderson and Edwards for the entire cycle and we kissed Henderson goodbye when Rumph chewed his soft *** out for being a Bîtch at the all star game.

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[MENTION=4271]Hstokes1447[/MENTION] good **** on bringing gator tears to life. It has provided constant entertainment during slow times.

Of course but please know the first mention I know of starting a Gator Tears thread was by [MENTION=1165]Dwinstitles[/MENTION]... I think it was a comment to me or I told him to do it after he made the comment... [MENTION=4271]Hstokes1447[/MENTION] kicked it off nicely and he's a big gator tears guy too. I think it will ultimately become the longest running, most successful thread on CIS.

Thanks for the support but u are holding it down rva foreal u poster of the year with this ****.....i havent popped off a video cuz of the program i got is retarded im looking for some free **** lol.

We could use another vid soon. Maybe when we get our next commit???

im hoping my brother gets this program poppin its y i havent made **** man...............goiing to try pirate bay........ni99az trynna make me pay 40 piece and i aint with that ****