Tears Gator Tears

Man, that play was insane. Personally, I’m sick of hearing about Kelsey and that chick, I won’t even say her name, and initially as it was happening for one nanosecond I thought my God that’s nuts, but then, if you look back on it, it was an excellent play. There was nobody around the receiver, and Kelsey knew he had the arm to do it. what a **** up Toney is.

Turds always keep failing in the NFL, and they keep failing in college football also. God, I love it.

Most busts in the NFL from a P5 program. It’s indisputable.

Ok, but we should give some credit when its due, at least he didnt throw a shoe after the play!


Kadarius Toney, just made one of the biggest bonehead plays of the NFL season. Like a numbskull halfwit, he lined up offsides and ruined what was probably the most exciting play I’ve seen in the NFL this year.

They had to call a winning TD back.

Don’t forget how bad these lizards are in the NFL. Not only now, but historically. It is really unprecedented.

All the turds do is bomb in the NFL.

Is it is there any other school, especially from the vaunted SEC SEC SEC, that has so many busts in the NFL? Can somebody answer that question?

And now that Buffalo is going to beat Kansas City, he is single-handedly responsible for that loss. Go gatah.
Giants got rid of him I knew it wasn’t cause of talent he has it. It had to be off field sh for sure.
Giants got rid of him I knew it wasn’t cause of talent he has it. It had to be off field sh for sure.

Dude is a knucklehead. This is far from his first ****up. KC is *****ing about the call, but he was practically half a body length past the ball. There was no question .

You know the other players want to give Toney the Full Metal Jacket, private Pyle treatment.
