Tears Gator Tears

This Slingblade guy has allll the answers...


Re: Napier

"Asked if he's considered giving up play calling, Napier said he's a lot more critical of himself than "anyone on the outside is," and that he will continue to be the play caller."

This is ******* awesome. The Gator will continue to suck for at least another year.
or until Slingblade realizes HE SUCKS..!!!
Wow, Napier is trying to deflect questioning? So he's surprised people would ask critical questions after a bad loss? Who the **** is this guy? You're paid more than any other coach in gator history but are above being asked simple critical questions?

Good luck gators...you're ****ed. The wheels are really about to come off. A coach throwing a temper tantrum at the media. It's the gator standard.
I read one tweet wishing 9/11 will take place at his residence... so yeah.. I'm gonna go ahead and sort of, disagree..

What he thinks and what actually happens is yet to be determined. Many Gator fans want him fired, but will settle for him to relinquish play calling duties, hire an OC, and get the **** out of the way.

I hope he continues to drag that school through the mud for as long as possible. This is a lot of fun.