Tears Gator Tears

pretty sure that game was 9-3 before one of the worst review overturns in history gifted the gators like 30 yards on a 3rd and long.
bruh I remember this ish perfectly. It was going to be 4-9 or try like a 47 yard field goal, their WR jumps up "catches" it, gets an elbow in bounds then immediately drops the ball as he hit the ground. They call it incomplete on the field, review it, and rule it is a catch as they had the one still shot where he had the ball, elbow in and was still falling. Still do not understand it to this day.

I mean don't Chico ALREADY have like 2 different docs out about him???

I'm being obtused and biased when i asked that lol.

Although I know they wanted to "distance" themselves from him, it is a slap in the face to our intelligence that they didn't at least speak on Chico even if it was for FIVE minutes. Same with Cam Newton and his time at UF
I gave it 16 mins and turned it off. The Tebow pool deck scene with the Bible ended it for me. I also couldn’t get passed the way they were trying to frame meyer as this disciplinarian military family accountability guy when we all KNOW how big of a POS that guy is. Just not gonna give it anymore bandwidth.
It just seems like a can UF gets lucky and wins similar to last year. I’m trusting the fact that UF is only able to run that it won’t matter. And Utah is a good roster up and down.
UF has had a number of OL departures. My impression is they have a serviceable starting 5, but no depth to withstand injuries. Let's see
bruh I remember this ish perfectly. It was going to be 4-9 or try like a 47 yard field goal, their WR jumps up "catches" it, gets an elbow in bounds then immediately drops the ball as he hit the ground. They call it incomplete on the field, review it, and rule it is a catch as they had the one still shot where he had the ball, elbow in and was still falling. Still do not understand it to this day.

Tim Teblow is the same fraudulent guy he has always been.

The game was 9-3 at the beginning of the 4th quarter. But Florida "killed" us.

Go to the 10:30 mark.

1. The pass was ruled INCOMPLETE on the field.
2. Neither foot comes down in bounds.
3. The referee claims the "runner had possession of the ball" and that the "left elbow touched at the 5 yard line". Both of those statements are incorrect assertions of the concept of a RECEIVER making the RECEPTION in-bounds. The issue of "possession" in the air is not relevant to whether a player is in-bounds, and the issue of where his elbow touched would only relate to SPOTTING the ball if a valid reception has made.
4. Plus, the possession did not survive the contact with the ground, possession was IMMEDIATELY lost upon making contact with the ground.
5. NOTHING in the video rises to the level of certainty required to overturn a call of incomplete pass MADE ON THE FIELD.

Here we go, from the 2008 college football rulebook:



bruh I remember this ish perfectly. It was going to be 4-9 or try like a 47 yard field goal, their WR jumps up "catches" it, gets an elbow in bounds then immediately drops the ball as he hit the ground. They call it incomplete on the field, review it, and rule it is a catch as they had the one still shot where he had the ball, elbow in and was still falling. Still do not understand it to this day.
I think the would have to punt if they didn't convert. I was WRONG!

They spent so much time reviewing his arm they missed that the ball ended up over by the cheerleaders.
I think the would have to punt if they didn't convert. I was WRONG!

They spent so much time reviewing his arm they missed that the ball ended up over by the cheerleaders.

Just watch the sideline replay. It was IMMEDIATELY out of his control as he hit the ground. IMMEDIATELY.

God**** ref talked about the "runner" having "possession", but you CANNOT count the possession in the air, the possession has to survive the contact with the ground, which it CLEARLY did not. If it HAD, then maybe, just maybe, you could talk about where to spot the ball based on the elbow, but there is NOT clear evidence that he was ever in, certainly not clear enough to overturn a call of INCOMPLETE on the field.
I think the would have to punt if they didn't convert. I was WRONG!

They spent so much time reviewing his arm they missed that the ball ended up over by the cheerleaders.
Just watch the sideline replay. It was IMMEDIATELY out of his control as he hit the ground. IMMEDIATELY.

God**** ref talked about the "runner" having "possession", but you CANNOT count the possession in the air, the possession has to survive the contact with the ground, which it CLEARLY did not. If it HAD, then maybe, just maybe, you could talk about where to spot the ball based on the elbow, but there is NOT clear evidence that he was ever in, certainly not clear enough to overturn a call of INCOMPLETE on the field.
Exactly. I was even ****ed the announcers didnt bring it up. They kept zooming in on his elbow and freeze framing it. meanwhile I am standing on my couch yelling he didnt even have the freaking ball.
I hate the gators as much as the next one, but this had so much potential. Was nothing as advertised unfortunately.
perfect comparison I saw was like if the Johnny Manzeil doc ended the second he won the heisman and never mentioned his activities off the field.
Just started watching it. Am I supposed to believe that the gators are the only team with mat drills? Or they are somehow tougher than anyone else's?