Tears Gator Tears

Dear Hotel Eleo,

I am writing you to inform you of my experience of staying on your property last weekend. I planned a romantic trip with my portly Gator grad wife to see the university once again and check out the newest Applebee's that was just built. There must have been a mix up with the rooms, as the room they gave me had junk food that wasn't cleaned up, hard generic cinnamon rolls, and what looked like someone left a child's art project as there were tiny shoe cutouts all over the room. At night, someone who referred to himself as G Wagon Billy knocked on my door and demanded to take me to Dave and Buster's. When I politely declined, he kept insisting that he was "big in Louisiana" and going on and on telling me not to worry about the Gator Collectives financial troubles. I couldn't even use the business center in the morning due to a packed room of high schoolers trying to change their flights. The only positive was that it rained over the weekend and the retention pond was nice and full. Please take care of these problems for future visits.
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