Tears Gator Tears

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This Samson commit has got them extra delusional.
It's like this is some kind of last straw that's broken them. As the year has worn on them gradually, they've become emotionally obsessed with Miami, a team in another conference that they almost never play, while Georgia their main historic conference rival stands directly in the path of everything they want and they don't seem all that upset that the dawgs just keep loading up with whatever talent they want and are set to keep kicking gator *** on and off the field for the forseeable future. Not the most rational bunch.
They’re delusional because the head of the Gator Collective was in a Twitter space drunk. He said Cormani and Samson wanted to commit on the spot with two other elite recruits but they wanted too much money he refused to pay. It was glorious to hear lol. Also said they only wanted Rashada so they took him. I guess he can block for himself?
When did he say this?
The craziest excuse I've ever seen on their board was that Napier actually beat Mario for all these guys, he just got outbid. So Napier is really undefeated against Mario head to head.

At some point you'd think they'd just say ****.. our HC was out recruited by a guy known for his recruiting. I've never seen a fanbase so consistently in denial. They don't even make this many excuses for losing actual games. Wtf?
I mean, Mario is known nationally for one thing: recruiting. It’s a built in excuse for them. Yet they refuse to accept it, and in fact, without any empirical evidence, have tried to believe in the narrative that billy is a much more amazing recruiter. Amazing level of delusion