Tears Gator Tears

Holy **** they actually believe that bull****??
I mean I could see AR going in Rd1 just because of his raw talent alone, and that the new meta with NFL QBs. But it’s absolutely insane to saw there is no way he gets out of the first just look to last years draft with Malik Willis. And in my honest review I put Willis as the better prospect (even though evaluating QBs is a crap shoot).
I mean I could see AR going in Rd1 just because of his raw talent alone, and that the new meta with NFL QBs. But it’s absolutely insane to saw there is no way he gets out of the first just look to last years draft with Malik Willis. And in my honest review I put Willis as the better prospect (even though evaluating QBs is a crap shoot).
Any NFL employee who argues for drafting that guy round 1 should be terminated, effective immedately.

It’s really amazing how connected they are to how and to who Ruiz is giving NIL deals to.It’s almost like they have a guy in the room and he’s the one handing the contracts to the kids to be signed….BUT they haven’t spent more than 10 bucks getting all these marginal 4 stars to come play at this trash place.

They also talk about us being a non-factor when it comes to the field but are any of them aware that they could easily Lose 6 games this year with a possibility of 7 with the bowl game?

I swear they make my head hurt reading their stupidity.
I mean I could see AR going in Rd1 just because of his raw talent alone, and that the new meta with NFL QBs. But it’s absolutely insane to saw there is no way he gets out of the first just look to last years draft with Malik Willis. And in my honest review I put Willis as the better prospect (even though evaluating QBs is a crap shoot).
No offense man but I wouldn't draft that dude in at all, in ANY round
I mean I could see AR going in Rd1 just because of his raw talent alone, and that the new meta with NFL QBs. But it’s absolutely insane to saw there is no way he gets out of the first just look to last years draft with Malik Willis. And in my honest review I put Willis as the better prospect (even though evaluating QBs is a crap shoot).

You are relatively new here, but it is not polite to speak even remotely well of any **** in this thread. The only honest review necessary is that AR sucks, the turds suck, and their fans are either jorts-wearing, swamp trash or total dorks.
Dude is trash Napier runs such a simple offense
So I know if he can barely run that one
He’s not gonna be able to digest an nfl offense
And he’s not athletically gifted enough like Lamar or Josh Allen who can make up for it and give him time to get better at the mental side of being a qb
He’s better off playing h back