Tears Gator Tears

I’m sure he would as well. I say that in jest. Much easier to be casually racist with Latin culture
So far he made some joke that didn’t address it. Most so far didn’t like it. There’s a group on there that’s crying that all this is uncalled for because Stokes didn’t use a hard “R”. Unreal. That group seems to be growing.

Stokes is a genius!!! He’s aware of the fanbase and the Tebow like potential to be a fan favorite with that clip.
Something might come out of that but I wouldn‘t be surprised if it didn’t. Kids of all races say the n word now. In about 15-20 years, that disgusting word is probably gonna replace “bro” and “dude” in the Ebonics English language and know that’s not a joke.
Something might come out of that but I wouldn‘t be surprised if it didn’t. Kids of all races say the n word now. In about 15-20 years, that disgusting word is probably gonna replace “bro” and “dude” in the Ebonics English language and know that’s not a joke.

I couldn't tell from the clip - was he simply going Riley Cooper or was he rapping along to a song?
Love how these clowns wanted Stokes’s scholly pulled not because of his disgusting behavior but because he’s not a “uF CaLiBeR pLaYeR.”

I hate these mf’s so **** much.
Smurphy hates Stokes. He’s never waive red on that but yeah, he’s not upset in the least for any good reason. He’s a big poster over there as well.
So far he made some joke that didn’t address it. Most so far didn’t like it. There’s a group on there that’s crying that all this is uncalled for because Stokes didn’t use a hard “R”. Unreal. That group seems to be growing.

I heard a hard R. Maybe others hear different, but that’s what I heard.