Tears Gator Tears

247 people are recklessly lying to people. U know how i know? They shot a whole video claiming he committed to the Gators and it didnt come from the player's camp.
Funny thing is these “commitment videos” are just highlight videos and photos of the recruits visits that are edited to end with a screenshot of recruits written “commitment”. Video staff likely does this for all top recruits and just waits to add written statement at end. Yet that clown QueJay passes it off as gospel to their gullible followers.
I don’t think this can be topped. He actually stated that Billy beat Mario for 3 guys we got.

Yeeeeahhhh, that's one way of looking at it.

Another way of looking at it is that Mario overcame multiple inherent advantages that the Gaytors had in their favor, while being saddled with 4 losses, bad facilties, a horrible gameday atmosphere, abysmal academics, and a terrible place to live that is run by the Russian Mobb...
Funny thing is these “commitment videos” are just highlight videos and photos of the recruits visits that are edited to end with a screenshot of recruits written “commitment”. Video staff likely does this for all top recruits and just waits to add written statement at end. Yet that clown QueJay passes it off as gospel to their gullible followers.


I could understand WRITING a commit article for future release, in order to be "first" to announce the news. BUT A VIDEO? That is just extra. And a great reflection of 247's laziness combined with desperation.

247 should take Bill O'Reilley's advice...

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How are these gator fans justifying that G5 billy beat out Mario for cormani, rashada and Bryant? Lol
Sucks to suck.

Also should we be concerned that our head coach who is known for recruiting and landed the top player in the nation at Oregon and two 5 star linebackers in the same class at Oregon can’t recruit and sucks at it and can only recruit with money? Asking for a friend
Yeeeeahhhh, that's one way of looking at it.

Another way of looking at it is that Mario overcame multiple inherent advantages that the Gaytors had in their favor, while being saddled with 4 losses, bad facilties, a horrible gameday atmosphere, abysmal academics, and a terrible place to live that is run by the Russian Mobb...

A few simple and profound observations here.

1. Bukake Balake CLEARLY stated in the thread that HE heard "2-3 million over 4 years", but the Gaytor fans continue to type WHATEVER RANDOM HIGHER NUMBER that they choose to believe. Just look at it. People ASK Bukake Balake for his inside info, and they BELIEVE him when he tells the lie about Florida being told "they were the pick", but when the NIL number is specified by him, the Gaytor fans just reject it and use their own numbers.

2. I don't know how many times this needs to be said, but the Gaytors have the DUMBEST corching staff in college football. They are the MOST GULLIBLE. We are talking about a recruit who was shy and didn't play a lot of media games, but by all accounts was direct when he chose to speak. We are talking about a recruit (and his mom) who were sent elaborate (copycat) birthday greetings. We are talking about a recruit whose position coach IS A GAYTOR. And yet...in spite of all that...the ENTIRETY of the Gaytor corches' confidence was predicated on a THIRD PARTY ASSURANCE. Not a direct statement from the recruit himself. And at 7 pm in the evening, when the Gaytor corches have STILL not received a direct statement FROM THE RECRUIT, the Gaytor corches continue to have irrational exuberance and a blind faith that "they are the pick", based on what a Chick Fil-A manager has been telling them. Priceless. Just ask yourself whether you can imagine Mario Cristobal sitting in his office watching the live stream WITH CONFIDENCE when the recruit hasn't even talked to him all week. IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN.

3. NIL has changed college recruiting. It has. But these dimwit Gaytors CONTINUE to have arguments INSISTING that we must analyze everything in outdated terms. Notice how they keep talking about players being "bought", while ignoring that they themselves ALSO offered to "buy" the player, but at a lesser price. They express their anger at (seemingly) being outbid by changing the terms of the discussion, EXAGGERATING Miami's NIL offer, and acting like they offered NOTHING. None of which is true. It's like these nitwits have never bid on eBay..."yeah, I was going to win that Tim Tebow game-used jock strap, but then some filthy Cuban backed by Russian mobb money put in a bid with 10 seconds left in the auction, and he STOLE IT away from me..."

4. To follow up, yes Virginia, Cormani McClain informed the Miami coaches on Monday. Certain people knew. A certain internet writer/podcaster tweeted about it (cryptically) in advance and then pulled down the tweet. McClain never contacted the Florida coaches on his own behalf. And from a LOGICAL standpoint, if Bukake Balake wants to argue that "NIL was the critical factor", then you only need to examine the timeline:
a---McClain WANTS to go to Florida, if only they will pay him the most NIL
b---McClain (presumably) has the biggest NIL offer from Miami and calls them on Monday to tell them they are the pick
c---And then, Gaytor-wannabe McClain WASTES THREE DAYS IN SILENCE, instead of contacting Slingblade Billy to see if he will match/beat the Miami NIL?
MAKES. NO. SENSE. AT. ALL. It just doesn't hold water, largely because it doesn't fit the preferred Gaytor narrative. They are trying to convince us that McClain "wanted" to go to Florida, and that there was a mysterious "last minute high bid" by the Cuban/Russian Mobb Deep, and that the entire decision was due to NIL. But that bullsh!te myth doesn't add up when you realize that McClain ACTUALLY DID call Miami on Monday and ACTUALLY DIDN'T call Florida all week.

5. I'm content to allow the Gaytor fans to try to live in a pre-NIL world, because they can keep patting themselves on the back and giving each other mutual BJs while they whisper to each other about how they are doing things the right way, and not "overspending" on any NIL deals. In the meantime, all the best recruits in the southeast can pick Miami and Georgia and Alabama and Tennessee.

Fvck...the Gaytor fans...
A few simple and profound observations here.

1. Bukake Balake CLEARLY stated in the thread that HE heard "2-3 million over 4 years", but the Gaytor fans continue to type WHATEVER RANDOM HIGHER NUMBER that they choose to believe. Just look at it. People ASK Bukake Balake for his inside info, and they BELIEVE him when he tells the lie about Florida being told "they were the pick", but when the NIL number is specified by him, the Gaytor fans just reject it and use their own numbers.

2. I don't know how many times this needs to be said, but the Gaytors have the DUMBEST corching staff in college football. They are the MOST GULLIBLE. We are talking about a recruit who was shy and didn't play a lot of media games, but by all accounts was direct when he chose to speak. We are talking about a recruit (and his mom) who were sent elaborate (copycat) birthday greetings. We are talking about a recruit whose position coach IS A GAYTOR. And yet...in spite of all that...the ENTIRETY of the Gaytor corches' confidence was predicated on a THIRD PARTY ASSURANCE. Not a direct statement from the recruit himself. And at 7 pm in the evening, when the Gaytor corches have STILL not received a direct statement FROM THE RECRUIT, the Gaytor corches continue to have irrational exuberance and a blind faith that "they are the pick", based on what a Chick Fil-A manager has been telling them. Priceless. Just ask yourself whether you can imagine Mario Cristobal sitting in his office watching the live stream WITH CONFIDENCE when the recruit hasn't even talked to him all week. IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN.

3. NIL has changed college recruiting. It has. But these dimwit Gaytors CONTINUE to have arguments INSISTING that we must analyze everything in outdated terms. Notice how they keep talking about players being "bought", while ignoring that they themselves ALSO offered to "buy" the player, but at a lesser price. They express their anger at (seemingly) being outbid by changing the terms of the discussion, EXAGGERATING Miami's NIL offer, and acting like they offered NOTHING. None of which is true. It's like these nitwits have never bid on eBay..."yeah, I was going to win that Tim Tebow game-used jock strap, but then some filthy Cuban backed by Russian mobb money put in a bid with 10 seconds left in the auction, and he STOLE IT away from me..."

4. To follow up, yes Virginia, Cormani McClain informed the Miami coaches on Monday. Certain people knew. A certain internet writer/podcaster tweeted about it (cryptically) in advance and then pulled down the tweet. McClain never contacted the Florida coaches on his own behalf. And from a LOGICAL standpoint, if Bukake Balake wants to argue that "NIL was the critical factor", then you only need to examine the timeline:
a---McClain WANTS to go to Florida, if only they will pay him the most NIL
b---McClain (presumably) has the biggest NIL offer from Miami and calls them on Monday to tell them they are the pick
c---And then, Gaytor-wannabe McClain WASTES THREE DAYS IN SILENCE, instead of contacting Slingblade Billy to see if he will match/beat the Miami NIL?
MAKES. NO. SENSE. AT. ALL. It just doesn't hold water, largely because it doesn't fit the preferred Gaytor narrative. They are trying to convince us that McClain "wanted" to go to Florida, and that there was a mysterious "last minute high bid" by the Cuban/Russian Mobb Deep, and that the entire decision was due to NIL. But that bullsh!te myth doesn't add up when you realize that McClain ACTUALLY DID call Miami on Monday and ACTUALLY DIDN'T call Florida all week.

5. I'm content to allow the Gaytor fans to try to live in a pre-NIL world, because they can keep patting themselves on the back and giving each other mutual BJs while they whisper to each other about how they are doing things the right way, and not "overspending" on any NIL deals. In the meantime, all the best recruits in the southeast can pick Miami and Georgia and Alabama and Tennessee.

Fvck...the Gaytor fans...
The worse part about it for them is it has happened 3 times, in the exact same way. Lying to themselves that X player loves Stankville and the player went to Miami cuz of money. Even in instants where they bid high and outbid themselves and again. Like i said if i ever start spewing trash like that i pray someone slap some sense into my brain. Plus comparing us to A&M who's coach is in his 5th season there. Ill take the players and have them keep the excuses. I just feel for the kids and their family who cant help but see some of this absolute hogwash online
What a load of Gaytor bullcrap...

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---PUBIC university - hilarious
---great parking...uh, no
---good food...mac & mayo?
---relationships - how unique
---facilities - obviously haven't seen what Miami is building
The parking is ******* terrible.
Any food available in Hogtown is available here.
Relationships? I don't get it.
Facilities? A wash at best.
Soooo...Bukake Balake Alderman takes the time to do a big write-up on the Gaytors recruiting Pancake Huncho...and then this is his second post, two minutes later...

The Gaytors are broken...

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He is outright lying. I bet ****long got that scoop from him that Cormani was picking UF. Everyone including their grandma said Mario was a problem in recruiting and a big problem if he came back home. Now all they can talk about is NIL when every single school has that.