The standard UM has to live up to is impossible by the local kids. I went to high school in GA (Gwinnett) and there was NOBODY doing anything negative toward UGA. They didn’t do anything for the community. They weren’t held to any standard. UGA hadn’t won anything meaningful 40 years before last season, but that didn’t matter. I’ve lived all over the country and no other school is scrutinized by the local people more than UM. I don’t get it. Has it always been like this, or did it change when the KKK schools set up shop and went on their UM bashing crusades? Even if UM built a new weight room at every local school, rebuilt every park, had designated liaisons for every area to help local families, paid for better peewee coaching, it still wouldn’t be enough. People like Moe would jump in and steer kids to the highest bidder.