Tears Gator Tears

If they finish lower than 10 it’s a week. Help me out here. He was thinking he had two more spots. Personally I think 12 is a fairer bet.

you see what On3 has been doing to the rankings, right?


I made a singular one week one on one bet. Anything else is between other posters and @flagator86

i don’t think people can just jump into a bet without the other side agreeing. So it seemed to me people were just volunteering to put up their av with no return because if he lost he was going to have to wear whatever I picked for a week anyway. If he wants to graciously take on another few days of bad av for each poster, that’s his call.

If will be funny if he wins though and like 49% of this board had a Gator av for a week lol. This will be UF south!
That was exactly why I volunteered. He's on our board and outnumbered so I thought it'd be more fun if more of us had to. I was planning on self enforcing whatever avi he chooses. And if we win, I have no say haha. Just wanted to make it a bit more interesting
Sorry folks, I had to share this breaking news out of Hogtown-adjacent Jacksonville...

I will bet every last dime I own that this chicken-killer is a Gaytor fan...although, sadly, he neglected to mention Chick Fil-A...

That's probably Que...He has so many restaurants he was probably running low on supplies..
if only I knew how!!
The first step is to download a picture, meme, or gif to whatever device you’re using that you want to use for your avi.

At the top right of the screen, you’ll see a pink box with the “S” in it (S is the default because your screen name begins with it) Click on it. Options will pop up that allows you to add a picture, meme, or gif.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news…well no I don’t actually makes me REAL happy,but Old Billy Boy is owed 40 million dollars AFTER this season…and I think they may still be paying Mullen and possibly MacSharkfcker too…..HE AIN’T GOING ANYWHERE FOR A WHILE…
Where have heard that before? :unsure:
Oh noooo. If I win, everyone involved ONLY has to do a Gator avi for ONE week.

If I lose, i rock a diff avi for 3 days for a total of two months
I'm not part of this bet, but this respond sounds an awful lot like you're looking for an excuse to rock the U for as long as you can. Looking like flip season applying to fans too 🙂...
Sorry folks, I had to share this breaking news out of Hogtown-adjacent Jacksonville...

I will bet every last dime I own that this chicken-killer is a Gaytor fan...although, sadly, he neglected to mention Chick Fil-A...

After a thorough review, I’m on the side of the chicken killer. Keep that dangerous animal away