Tears Gator Tears

To me Napier seems like a rich man’s mcelwain good X and O guy good not great recruiter and just a regular guy not a weirdo like Mullen and Mcelwain. He hired a big off field staff which will help but his on field staff isn’t very impressive besides Raymond. He is banking big time that his ULL DC can make that jump to SEC.


This is the danger of myth-building and telling lies to make your fanbase feel better. They repeat it and repeat it until they accept it as Gospel.

So let's break this down. QueJay was wrong. QueJay was wrong on sooooo many things. And nobody argues that QueJay is an actual insider (a coach, a staffer, a writer) who walks into the Athletic Department every day or so.

No, QueJay is a Chick Fil-A OPERATOR over 100 miles away from Hogtown, and his "connection" to information is that he is fraternity brothers with a a Gaytor coach. What that means is that QueJay's "information" is subject to the SAME "but I heard it from a coach" single-source weakness that just DESTROYED Warchant. Good lord, it's not like we haven't seen Gaytor coaches be COMPLETELY wrong about whether they are about to sign a guy ("Congratulations Tae!"). So why would anyone think that a Gaytor coach's information becomes MORE reliable when he tells a fraternity brother?

Even worse is the selective "I'll believe the parts I want to believe" nonsense from the Gaytor fans. Sure, even though QueJay is demonstrably wrong on his information, they WANT to believe that Citizen signed with Miami solely because of a "starter offer"...and money, I guess. Meanwhile they can't comprehend that Mario simply doesn't make those guarantees. It doesn't make their Gaytor egos feel better to admit that one guy (the guy with the bigger job and the greater recruiting success at Alabama) can outrecruit another guy (the guy with the lesser job and recruiting success at Alabama). Noooooo, it must be "money" (in spite of their massive Perkins brag about the no-show job for the mom and the free Hogtown housing for the family and the separate payment to the father) or a "starter guarantee".

And at the end of the day, we have a five-year thread here full of Gaytor fan screenshots where they advocate doing everything legal and illegal to sign recruits, including lying to them. So if the ONLY thing standing between the Gaytors and Citizen was a (false) promise of a starting role, I'm not sure why the Gaytor fans wouldn't advocate for Gaypier doing that, given that they have two Five-Star busts on their roster who are currently being outplayed by a random transfer from Louisiana. I mean, just from a logical standpoint, who would make a more credible promise of a starting job...the team with Five-Star Lingard, Five-Star Bowman, and Three-Star Louisiana Guy, or the team that returns Rooster, Chaney, Thad, and an SEC transfer?

Anyhow, between the Gaytor fans' myths about losing Citizen and the SemenHole fans' nonsense about Prison Mike Norvell beating Mario "head-to-head" for Three-Star Tatum Bethune, it's just nauseating having to battle the lies and myths that our rivals build up in the absence of informed rebuttal.

That Gaytor thread, though, is a special level of insanity. Look at the ****storm of childishness in that thread:

---"We're going to continue to scream at an FAU alum and accuse him of putting in a crystal ball for the sole purpose of undermining Gaytor recruiting, and tell ourselves that Saban only got involved because of that crystal ball, and Saban's sole source of knowledge on a recruit is a crystal ball from an FAU alum..."

---"Oh, Blake, we are so thirsty, please tell us positive things about how a Gaytor position coach has done in recruiting, he was only hired 4 months ago and we can't seem to console ourselves with the fact that we got a guy with the last name of Etienne. Tell us lies, tell us sweet little lies..."

---"Please dear Jesus, while we are still thirsty, someone lie to us and tell us that our only competition is aTm, and then we will lie to ourselves that we have the capability to price-match an aTm NIL deal, even though we have shown no ability to do so, aTm is spending massive amounts, and we lost Perkins and Citizen (allegedly) because we were too cheap..."

---"Oh my god, we are going to gush like little girls about whether a recruit mentions our RB by name in an interview..."

---"We are happy that an Ohio State verbal has 'taken a liking' to Juluke, and that Juluke got us 'thatclose' to landing a kid who picked Miami, and also Juluke is great when he turns recruiting 180 degrees. Yes, this is how low our standards have fallen, when the three best arguments in favor of Juluke involve woulda, coulda, and shoulda..."

Insanity. Utter Gaytor Logicz insanity.
Who is his qb? AR15? Admittedly, the kid is athletically gifted but I would hardly pronounce him a bonafied starter.

Not only is it funny to watch Gaytor fans build myths, but it is equally pathetic to watch Miami fans fall for these myths, because "I have a Gaytor friend who told me" and "I think I'm so objective and I like to keep it real".

The reality is that AR15 got hurt last year, and his style (and a so-so Gaytor OL) might get him hurt again in 2022. They just lost Elite 11 Savant Del Rio. They ran off a blue-chip Mullet verbal. They took a guy who Gaypier liked at Louisiana. So, uh, yeah, maybe the Gaytors aren't as set at QB as they would like us to believe.

Who would you rather have, TVD-Garcia-Jacurri, or the Gaytors QB room?

Yeah, that's what I thought.
In recruiting, they’re already questioning Juluke, RB’s coach, who is better than Knox but whoever they brought in would be better than that guy and he should land Webb by default so he’ll look good to some of them. Others know that Baxter is the standard to judge him now after he whiffed on Citizen.

Also Keary Colbert, WR’s coach, is another they have their scopes on. He just took a dude that ran a 12.76 100m as you know and i wouldn’t be shocked if they didn’t make the Final 5 for Hykeem Williams’ official visits.

Sling Blade Billy (“SBB”) has 2 OL coaches and no dedicated on-field QB coach beyond himself. Wasn’t he a WR coach at Bama??? He has a GA off-field as the QB coach. That’s not going to help him recruiting-wise but we’ll see. Maybe someone will like him but the odds are that it was a bad move.

He’ll approach recruiting better than Mullet but Mullet had a reputation for being a QB coach and offense savant. He also had some known P5 coaching names on staff.

I think Corey Raymond will do what he does as long as he’s there. They’ll pick up some other pieces here and there. That said, I don’t see it with the staff he has. This is a learn on the job staff minus Raymond on a big boy level brand whereas our staff is loaded with guys who already learned in their positions on a big boy level.

I think Raymond is gonna get plucked by another program after this season. Just my gut feeling
How does 247 even work? I thought Ivins reports for us
He’s National now for them as he got promoted. That said, in the Crystal Ball situation, reporters for each team plus the National guys can put in predictions. There’s usually a lead Crystal Ball reporter on certain recruits and I think Ivins was the lead on Jacorey Brooks.

Brooks apparently told the gaytors staffright before signing day that he was picking them and Ivins got wind of it and did what reporters do in these situations on 247 - he put in a Crystal Ball for Brooks to the gaytors.

Two days later or whenever it was, Brooks signed with Bama. The gaytor fans rained hate down on Ivins claiming that he intentionally sabotaged them with Brooks because his Crystal Ball tipped Saban off that Brooks was going elsewhere and because of Ivins Saban doubled back and got Brooks.
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Nothing greater than seeing your enemies realize there is a leak in their unsinkable ship

Well thats those clowns over there, we on the other site are realistic. I started this thread a few months back. Replies are solid:

To me Napier seems like a rich man’s mcelwain good X and O guy good not great recruiter and just a regular guy not a weirdo like Mullen and Mcelwain. He hired a big off field staff which will help but his on field staff isn’t very impressive besides Raymond. He is banking big time that his ULL DC can make that jump to SEC.
I mostly agree with this. He’s not Mullet weird but I asked @1murhurricane what the response has been to Napier from recruits and parents he’s been around and the answer was along the lines of “different”. Can’t remember if he used “weird” but he does strike me as odd after the way he ran off some of the better players Mullet recruited with little time til early signing day by demanding new workouts in person or on film.
Well thats those clowns over there, we on the other site are realistic. I started this thread a few months back. Replies are solid:

Your board is more normal than the 247 board for sure. That said, I only read the first page and saw a bunch of posters predicting top 5, even top 2-3.