Tears Gator Tears

Who was the coach who apparently “coached”the game wearing a black shirt without any Florida logo symbolically under protest or just a middle finger to the university?! Speaking of symbolism them starting Jones and Copeland who both announced they were leaving was as Bad as it gets.



"We recruited with no home base, no foundation of what we were looking for," a former Florida staffer told me. "The prevailing idea from the top down was we're not begging players to come here."

"You know how many times I heard, We'll address that in the (transfer) portal,'" another former Florida staffer told me. "You're the flagship university in the best state (for recruiting) in the country. You don't need the portal for anything."
The Gators finished No. 9 in the nation in 2020, and No. 12 in 2021. But those class rankings are wildly deceptive.

“Both of those years, we were adding guys late that we probably shouldn’t have,” the former Florida staffer said. “We’d lose on guys, then scramble for Plan B’s that may have those stars, but that we knew didn’t make sense for us, and may not make it for one reason or another.”
The Gators finished No. 9 in the nation in 2020, and No. 12 in 2021. But those class rankings are wildly deceptive.

“Both of those years, we were adding guys late that we probably shouldn’t have,” the former Florida staffer said. “We’d lose on guys, then scramble for Plan B’s that may have those stars, but that we knew didn’t make sense for us, and may not make it for one reason or another.”
Honestly had no idea Mullen was a star ***** like that.
The Gators finished No. 9 in the nation in 2020, and No. 12 in 2021. But those class rankings are wildly deceptive.

“Both of those years, we were adding guys late that we probably shouldn’t have,” the former Florida staffer said. “We’d lose on guys, then scramble for Plan B’s that may have those stars, but that we knew didn’t make sense for us, and may not make it for one reason or another.”
I never knew the calculator started from within… it’s all so clear now.
We talked about it quite a bit in this thread. Mullen’s class rankings looked good at first but if you deep dive into the classes, they fall apart. He had some ridiculous number of guys who either never qualified, got kicked out or transferred before ever even on playing a snap. It reminded me of Al Golden who would manage to pull some 4 star kid late, seemingly out of nowhere, only to find out that nobody else wanted him because he couldn’t qualify.
The Gators finished No. 9 in the nation in 2020, and No. 12 in 2021. But those class rankings are wildly deceptive.

“Both of those years, we were adding guys late that we probably shouldn’t have,” the former Florida staffer said. “We’d lose on guys, then scramble for Plan B’s that may have those stars, but that we knew didn’t make sense for us, and may not make it for one reason or another.”
I have great schadenfreude reading this & hope for continued ineptitude at UF. Hopefully that dumpster fire keeps on burning for years to come