Tears Gator Tears

You really this dense? The uf mod changed his pick. The director of recruiting for 247 changed his pick. You think that’s happening without intel coming from Marshall??
I got ptsd brother.. Been in the recruiting game too long.. This is all exciting but I lean way conservative when it comes to this, lol.. And mind you, I believe Cribby, Liberty city, etc. This game is fluid to say the least.
The fact that virtually every gaytor thinks it’s down to them and Bama is a lethal set-up. Literally both of those teams’ boards will be stunned but the meltdown we’ll witness from the gaytor board will be historic as far as this thread goes.

I love the two dudes betting $25 on UiF vs. Bama. Hey, nobody loses!
They are killing Blake LMAOOOOOOOOO
Will never forget walking into UF's stadium as a teenager and seeing them start holding hands in the 4th quarter singing some pathetic song arm to arm. It was the most pathetic thing I have ever witnessed at a sporting event and was one of the many reasons why I began to hate them so much at a young age. That photo on previous page looks just like that moment that will be engraved in my head forever.

My first game as a UM student was the 1986 game in KKK-ainesville. We just had the "rental car" scandal and Melvin and a few other players were suspended for the first half. Fuggin' Gaytor fans started shaking their keys (the sign of "time to go home, the game is over") during the pre-game. At that point, my dislike of The Gaytor turned into lifelong hatred.
Honestly feel for their insiders. Their fans can't take the truth so they have to bs them and bring them back to reality little by little. If you post info that's negative about them they cry and behave like toddlers. That's why I respect Ivins. He tends to be conservative and doesn't pump sunshine to placate to his subscribers.
They dont understand that thinks have changed, i didn't see it then but I do now. When u get rooster out of Deerfield (where we whiff) then Tae out of nowhere it means we are a force on the trail again. We just went head to head with bama for someone that was going to bama 3 weeks ago and won IMO...........this is big because the kid completely changed his mind last minute. It means we not fuqin around anymore

Assuming Marshall picks us which i do assume