Tears Gator Tears

I'm not questioning you as much as I'm questioning 247, but are we absolutely sure that IVins added the "10 Lock" and that wasn't something that happened by default when the new system went into effect? Because it certainty wasn't there when he put the prediction in on 9/24/18
As I said, it's new.....he simply added it to his previous CB.
Appreciate you sending the link but I'm failing to see anything other than an old Ivins CB and Sapp's tweet prefacing a new top 5... If I'm missing something obvious please feel free to point it out and shame me appropriately

There was an article awhile back, cant remember where... rivals or 247 but they basically said they think even though Sapp is committed to UF in the end they feel he'll go to Miami.

Ill have to look for the article
yeah I know the numbering just came out but I’m wondering if it was an old prediction that they all get labeled a 10because it was put it so long ago
That’s exactly what I think happened. All prediction from the old system as been put to 10, and the cloudy ones were either deleted or the insiders could go out a new prediction with the new confidence metric.
The crystal ball of Sapp from Ivins is old and can’t change it since Sapp is committed. The confidence system automatically made it a 10 since it was either a 0 or a 10 previously. Don’t get excited lol. Nothing to that, but he did say we’d be in Sapp’s top 5 when he releases it.