Tears Gator Tears

No. He is saying that schools have done this for a long time. I am saying that the IC non-qualifier rule JUST WENT INTO EFFECT.

He is saying that schools are "continuing" to do this. I am saying that the NCAA will never allow such an obvious loophole to be exploited.

He is saying that FAs somehow don't count against IC limits or the signing class. I am saying that if that were true, no school would ever offer a player an LOI, they would only give out FAs, and everyone would be at 85 recruited scholarship players all the time.

Next time just make everything all caps, it really helps clarify


They spelled their own players’ names wrong in the new locker room renovations
so the news is suggesting that the title ix is with derrick masons daughter who goes to uf. so didn't mason and mullet/granthan get into a spat at last years game? didn't mason go across the field to confront them and Grantham started bowing up? oh Lordy, this years game is gonna be fun to watch!!!!!

11/09 uf plays vandy... must game to watch. imagine if the title ix player is back on the field playing
To put this Arian Smith thing in perspective, you have to bring up the Bowman recruitment as well. Both go to Lakeland High School and these 2 would be monstrous misses for UiF in the same class from as strong a gaytor pipeline school as there is.
What does “with a name like Arian, he belongs at UGA” mean?? Unless Arian Foster went to UGA, this feels like some more prejudice shiii from our favorite open minded folks up in Gainesville.

I could be wrong but I think he’s saying the name sounds like Aryan, as in Aryan Nation and saying with a name like that he will fit in at racist UGA. A lot of mental gymnastics in this one to make that correlation. Obviously another one of their Jedi Mind tricks they perform on themselves to convince themselves they don’t want said player.