I love how we're "irrelevant" and have nothing to offer recruits but somehow we ranked higher than them on ESPN and 2 spots behind them on 247..From how they talk, we shouldn't even be top 30.
I almost feel bad that they don't see the direction their program is headed in. McEltooth, their offensive guru can't recruit a QB to save his life. Once muschimps guys are gone that program will resemble one on probation.
Reading this warmed the cuckles of my heart.
cinder block enclosed mud pits we call our dorms.
Reading this warmed the cuckles of my heart.
i saw
Reading this warmed the cuckles of my heart.
Reading this warmed the cuckles of my heart.
The ****les of the heart are its ventricles, named by some in Latin as "cochleae cordis", from "cochlea" (snail), alluding to their shape. The saying means to warm and gratify one's deepest feelings.
EDIT: now I see why you misspelled "cuckles " with a u instead of an o. The d@mn censor.