FWIW - Ferman sez ncaa will try to strip schollies in june

You take a small number of scholarship reductions to finally put this past the program. The biggest problem with getting recruits to sign here is the cloud of uncertainty. If it's just a few more scholarships, the uncertainty is gone and a premium has inherently been put on our remaining scholarships.

As much as I'd love to see the NCAA ship sink and believe that we've done more than enough with regards to self punishment, the best option is the one that puts this situation in the rear-view mirror as fast as possible.

Depending on the number it would be nice to have it over and done with. 5 a year for 3 years would be my max acceptable loss, if it were me. We'll see what happens. 0 more bowl bans. ZERO.

Do we deserve any more? No, but there comes a point when you have to look at the options. We can sue and win, we have a solid case. This takes time and money, and the NCAA will drag it out another year at least. During this time, we still struggle with recruiting. Or we can take a small loss, and it's over. No more waiting, questions are answered, recruiting is full force and bowl bans are a thing of the past. Which would you want for this team?

**** that

5 a year for 3 years is significant. we dont need to be playing with a Handicap. we already have Dorito
Donna will file suit and fight. No more bull**** from the NCAA.

The problem is it would take a few years worth of court cases to get it over with. Having a court case of our head wouldn't help and would be punishment in its self. It is all about public opinion for the NCAA. This going to court would only server to punish UM.

Not true. The moment the NCAA hits us with an adjudication that takes away scholarships, there is a threat of irreparable harm and UM would run to court for an injunction. If UM got a preliminary injunction, game over -- I'm on my phone, so I won't get into why it would be over. So, the case would not necessarily last years
You take a small number of scholarship reductions to finally put this past the program. The biggest problem with getting recruits to sign here is the cloud of uncertainty. If it's just a few more scholarships, the uncertainty is gone and a premium has inherently been put on our remaining scholarships.

As much as I'd love to see the NCAA ship sink and believe that we've done more than enough with regards to self punishment, the best option is the one that puts this situation in the rear-view mirror as fast as possible.

Miami has to get the LOIC dropped!!! Our fans have to realize that the NCAA hates Miami and has a clear bias against us. Miami is going to be a powerhouse under Golden and the last thing we need is the NCAA coming after us again when we're back on top of CFB. Miami was already charged with LOIC in the 90's and the NCAA wanted to try and nail us for being a repeat offender. Now imagine being a repeat, repeat offender and the NCAA has an even bigger axe to grind? This is the time for Miami to nail their balls to the wall and make them think twice about ever focking with this program again.

The NCAA came after the program and Miami cooperated fully and they still tried to fock us over. Because they pulled this **** it's time to drop the hammer on them.
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Depending on the number it would be nice to have it over and done with. 5 a year for 3 years would be my max acceptable loss, if it were me. We'll see what happens. 0 more bowl bans. ZERO.

Do we deserve any more? No, but there comes a point when you have to look at the options. We can sue and win, we have a solid case. This takes time and money, and the NCAA will drag it out another year at least. During this time, we still struggle with recruiting. Or we can take a small loss, and it's over. No more waiting, questions are answered, recruiting is full force and bowl bans are a thing of the past. Which would you want for this team?

**** that

5 a year for 3 years is significant
. we dont need to be playing with a Handicap. we already have Dorito


That's a pretty big hit. With the type of "we're ready to go to the mattresses" stance the administration seems to have taken I'm not sure they'd be willing to take that type of hit as a deal.
before the investigation got messed up I was predicting a 2 year bowl ban and 31 scholarships basically the same thing as USC however due to all the *** ups I think we gonna lose 10-15 scholarships. I also think the basketball team is gonna get hit that hard maybe 1 year post season ban and a couple of scholarships.

Its still a lot of process from the death penalty talk from two years ago.
Kinda hard for NCAA to prove LOIC. (1) We hired a private **** to check out Shappy -- and he came up empty; (2) Rogue coaches functioned on their own; (3) Undisputed that Randy warned EVERYONE to stay away from Shappy; (4) We suspended immediately those players who received de minimus 'extra bennies' as soon as we learned of the situation, (5) we returned Shapiro's 'donation' to him, and (6) immediately self-reported ourself; (7) NCAA could have confirmed no lack of institutional control by simply interviewing the 'Captain of The Ship', Donuts Dee, an NCAA employee, who later died.

All of the above BESIDES the self-imposed bowl bans.

In addition, when one reviews the pending allegations, not only are they relatively de minimus, the quantity and quality of the proofs almost negligible.

We have ADMITTED some of the minor violations and COOPERATED with the ********! TIME SERVED!!!

It's only a shame that we can't file a counter-claim against Enforcemen before the Infractions Committee and alledge LOIC by THEM!!
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you guys talking about 10-15 total schollys lost are WAY OFF IMO

we will not settle for that. no ******* way.

my guess is that AT MOST we would settle for like 6 TOTAL over 3 years (2 per year) with probably what we've already self imposed crediting towards the total

anything more, and we will go to court and tell the NCAA to suck ****s. baleedat
I don't see another bowl ban in the cards. For what reportedly is at issue, that'd be too much in my view.

I'm wondering whether the COI would substitute penalties it would impose with those we've self-imposed. For example, if the COI finds that the sanction is a two-year bowl ban and three lost scholarships, would it say that the third post-season game ban self-imposed by UM substitutes for the scholarship losses, etc. It would be a rough deal if the COI let UM self-impose more than what the COI does in one area, while still hitting UM in another, especially with all of the misconduct by the NCAA.
You guys who are talking about schollie reductions are way off. Look at the allegations!!! Not a single FOOTBALL allegation (yes, allegation, I'm ignoring the proof) involves an attempt to gain a competitive advantage. Why take away schollies and deny us competitive equality, when we didn't seek a competitive advantage, according to the allegations.
I say time served!!! If they were to give us scolly reduction 9 over 3 years and put this behind us. :stormwarning:
You take a small number of scholarship reductions to finally put this past the program. The biggest problem with getting recruits to sign here is the cloud of uncertainty. If it's just a few more scholarships, the uncertainty is gone and a premium has inherently been put on our remaining scholarships.

As much as I'd love to see the NCAA ship sink and believe that we've done more than enough with regards to self punishment, the best option is the one that puts this situation in the rear-view mirror as fast as possible.

This. Anyone that thinks UM wants to be involved in a lawsuit against the NCAA is nuts. Shalala aint crazy, if she can end this mess by accepting, say, 5 scholies lost over 3 years, she'd take it.
before the investigation got messed up I was predicting a 2 year bowl ban and 31 scholarships basically the same thing as USC however due to all the *** ups I think we gonna lose 10-15 scholarships. I also think the basketball team is gonna get hit that hard maybe 1 year post season ban and a couple of scholarships.

Its still a lot of process from the death penalty talk from two years ago.

Lmao wtf-ever... I thought you were banned to the WEZ?
Donna will file suit and fight. No more bull**** from the NCAA.

The problem is it would take a few years worth of court cases to get it over with. Having a court case of our head wouldn't help and would be punishment in its self. It is all about public opinion for the NCAA. This going to court would only server to punish UM.

You got too many worries. And you're so far off on who it would punish, it's no wonder. It's basic leverage, and the NCAA is already in a precarious enough position trying to maintain the status quo with the O'Bannon case & Trucane challenge to the Tarkainian ruling going on. And if it is all about public opinion (which it's not, not even close), they're losing, and badly, on every single front, including one involving a pedophile for overreach (no pun intended).

If the NCAA steps in it, it's over for them. If Miami offers to go to court, they have short-term problems, while the NCAA has existential problems.
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I think the UM administration is ready to make a federal case....Supreme Court worthy. The NCAA will drop any further sanctions or this is going to court and, yes, we will find a judge to issue an injunction.
let me see,,,,no practice, no news, lets say something about the NCAA case...and ******** bite...Ferman is a genious...:ibisroflmao: