Full court press

A little off topic but I believe papacane literally reads all his info on canestime and canesinsight and posts it on twitter and tries to come off as an "insider" lol Kind of sad if you ask me

Papa cane is the worst. "my sources tell me..." "i'm hearing..." He steals info from everywhere and tweets like hes some insider. I'm not sure Hurrikane isn't papacane by the way. i've noticed him defending him at every chance
lulz @ homeboy getting himself caught stealing **** from Canesport and tweeting it, then expecting someone to cite him as a source. Ol' clown *** ************.
Watch out Hurrikane is going to get mad for talking bad about his boyfriend Papacane.
Isn't his boyfriend. He is PapaCane. Had the same name on CT. Used to go all out when people would say that Bmac is PapaCane. LOL @ someone who does nothing but steal other people's info and tweets it, expecting someone else to cite him.
On a non bashing papacane topic, if golden is visiting lewis and howard at lewis' house, then does that count as an in home visit to lewis and we get another one at howards place?
Its only a home court advantage if you use it.

How cool is it to have a coaching staff that understands that? Its been a while.
Isn't his boyfriend. He is PapaCane. Had the same name on CT. Used to go all out when people would say that Bmac is PapaCane. LOL @ someone who does nothing but steal other people's info and tweets it, expecting someone else to cite him.

