I missed the major NCAA violations part.
It's right there in the same section they used to slap Penn State.
The NCAA is hot profiting garbage, as we all know, but this matter involves their "student-athletes" and federal law. If they can interject themselves into the PSU situation, let's be honest...mainly because of the outrage, not anything specific to what they govern, then F$U's situation is even more applicable as it involves the very individuals its charter claims to govern.
All that said, I expect them to avoid anything, simply because it is F$U. I feel certain as we speak they are trying to quickly piece together some form of internal investigation to cover their asses, much like a corporate personnel file performance history make over before an employee litigates over a Title VII issue or something.
Hopefully the feds do their job thoroughly, but I have as much faith in that as I do F$U getting what they deserve for this cover up.