FSUck Vs Dook hate/pity watch thread

We had 2 straight great Fright Night football games and leave it to FSU vs Duke to end that streak
This is just terrible football all around. Maybe FSU’s defense shows up for a quarter or so but they’re going to be on the field all night and will get worn down.

Duke.. their qb can’t throw over 7 yards
These teams suck. This game sucks.

He better not. These teams are so bad. I actually think FSU might be a little better, but a lot of their players have checked out and their receivers blow. How is Duke 5-1?

I've watched Duke vs UNC and Northwestern. Here's the thing, they have actually faced teams that are worst then them. Uconn was another one. The difference between Duke and FSU is Murphy got 3 good drives in him, while FSU QBs got 1 good drive. Against Northwestern which was a Friday night game too, Murphy was awful but in overtime he was unstoppable lol that's Duke