From Barry Jackson article

On an offense that was ranked in the 90s, nobody on offense really stood out and deserved to be called above average besides JT4 . Sure there were flashes but not enough to call someone a great player

Like others said I suspect all of a sudden guys will start looking a lot more talented in an offense that uses those talents correctly
That doesn't make them average. The stats were average, but not the players. A great offensive line makes a RB look better than what he is and a bad offensive line makes a RB look worse than what he is.
You peck, peck, peck out sentence after sentence failingly trying to make a salient point and then almost immediately after you contradict the very point you were trying to make.

Yet, when you are not contradicting yourself you offer conspiratorial theories of a caliber that caused David Macbride to envision the straitjacket.

Let's convene a CSI summit that will conclude with us signing an agreement not to ever again communicate with one another.

I can't hate, the font matching is top work.
You peck, peck, peck out sentence after sentence failingly trying to make a salient point and then almost immediately after you contradict the very point you were trying to make.

Yet, when you are not contradicting yourself you offer conspiratorial theories of a caliber that caused David Macbride to envision the straitjacket.

Let's convene a CSI summit that will conclude with us signing an agreement not to ever again communicate with one another.

Get ready for them, Ernie.... 👇
(Quote from NFL exceutive about the Canes last year)

"They have poor to marginal quarterback play, average running backs and receivers, poor offensive line. Nowhere on offense were they above average. Not nearly as athletic as they been have in the past. Their speed has really [diminished]. I’ve never seen quarterback play worse at that program. There’s something wrong with their evaluation of offensive linemen. "

This isnt the same UM we dont get those type of players anymore I have said it for years. Took my awhile to see it
The thing about richt is that you had a gnawing feeling that he didnt really care. He might have upto the first wisconsin bowl game, but he lost it after that. He quit on the program, is what happened. And was befuddled also. Watching that, you know, and it sucks.
It sounds unbelievable but I fell like this happened too. I was actually impressed with how Richt handled the offense in 2017. yes, it was mediocre and they were terrible on third downs but the fact that he managed to hide Malik Rosier for as long as he did is worth noting. Rosier was by far the most limited starter we've had at UM in my lifetime. (I know other bums like Kirby Freeman started an occasional game but Rosier started over 20 games at UM) I mean the offense was watered down and limited in 2017 but nowhere near as predictable as it got in 2018. It's like Richt just said "***** it" we're running these 5 plays and I don't care whether or not we win. I don't know if the job got to him or what but it was like the switch just got shut off for Mark Richt and he just sleep walked through 2018.
Richt gets way too much credit. You act like he did the U a favor by taking 4 mm / year to not even bother try hard. Didnt fill the roster. Didnt use all the bowl practices. Just retired and pretended to be an OC which he wasnt good at and didnt do the HC job.

He did not improve our local recruiting, either. If anything, he had one good cycle and several bad ones. Golden got 5* kids in Duke, Howard, Flowers, C. Thomas and high 4* kids in Bush, Coley, Burns, Grace, Walton, St. Louis.... He also gave us joe jackson, willis, the LB trio, M. Jackson, Jaquan, RJ.

Don’t get me wrong, Alfraud Gluten was a disaster. But the myth that Richt was a lot better is just that. He got paid more and gave a bit of the extra back for the IPF (tax deduct). Overrated.
And Folden got them under the cloud. I think he could have been a decent to even good coach, if he could have just fired (or found him another job) his bff and adopted an attacking 4-3 scheme/DC.
I also believe the school was realizing they needed to pay better and build better facilities. Did Richt push them a little faster? Maybe but I believe that was all happening regardless.
Get ready for them, Ernie.... 👇
One could make the argument to be stalked, as you do concerning me, is a compliment. Yet, you are such a whacko troll/stalker your ongoing behavior is not entertaining, but disturbing.

Unfortunately, you are like the broad who stalked David Letterman by breaking into his home and sending him love letters.

So, allow me to be clear, Doris. I don't swing that way, thus no matter how much effort you put into trying to convince me to engage in an intimate relationship with you...IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN!!!

I have zero interest in communicating with you on any subject, thus I am requesting that you stop stalking and trolling me.

Should you persist in stalking and trolling me I will report you to the 'Stalking Resource Center' (
And Folden got them under the cloud. I think he could have been a decent to even good coach, if he could have just fired (or found him another job) his bff and adopted an attacking 4-3 scheme/DC.
I also believe the school was realizing they needed to pay better and build better facilities. Did Richt push them a little faster? Maybe but I believe that was all happening regardless.
I disagree on folden. That was his D, not Dorito’s. Folden’s deficiencies are his alone. No excuses there.

But yeah, Richt deserves zero ‘credit’ for the school paying more. The market is what explains that.
It sounds unbelievable but I fell like this happened too. I was actually impressed with how Richt handled the offense in 2017. yes, it was mediocre and they were terrible on third downs but the fact that he managed to hide Malik Rosier for as long as he did is worth noting. Rosier was by far the most limited starter we've had at UM in my lifetime. (I know other bums like Kirby Freeman started an occasional game but Rosier started over 20 games at UM) I mean the offense was watered down and limited in 2017 but nowhere near as predictable as it got in 2018. It's like Richt just said "***** it" we're running these 5 plays and I don't care whether or not we win. I don't know if the job got to him or what but it was like the switch just got shut off for Mark Richt and he just sleep walked through 2018.
The scary thing is he quit early in the season, but he himself didn’t seem to know until after the bowl game.
I disagree on folden. That was his D, not Dorito’s. Folden’s deficiencies are his alone. No excuses there.

But yeah, Richt deserves zero ‘credit’ for the school paying more. The market is what explains that.
That's why I said fire Dorito and adopt an attacking 4-3. Obviously he would have to change his beliefs and scheme. Not excusing it though, it was his downfall.
That's why I said fire Dorito and adopt an attacking 4-3. Obviously he would have to change his beliefs and scheme. Not excusing it though, it was his downfall.
I just started there. There is zero reason to beloeve Alfraud Gluten would have been a good Hc if only he had fired his buddy and adopted a 4-3. Just saying that seems absurd. He had none of the planning, leadership, diagnostic, course correction or other qualities that a Hc should have. Which means he wouldn’t have anticipated, identified or foxed the other many problems that naturally arise. What you are pointing to are SYMPTOMS, not CAUSES. It’s like saying someone with leprosy would be cured by painting over the blotches.
I just started there. There is zero reason to beloeve Alfraud Gluten would have been a good Hc if only he had fired his buddy and adopted a 4-3. Just saying that seems absurd. He had none of the planning, leadership, diagnostic, course correction or other qualities that a Hc should have. Which means he wouldn’t have anticipated, identified or foxed the other many problems that naturally arise. What you are pointing to are SYMPTOMS, not CAUSES. It’s like saying someone with leprosy would be cured by painting over the blotches.
I agreed he was a terrible coach but his recruiting and offenses we're better than we've had in a long, long time. ****, most of his hires got promotions, including an OC that went to the NFL within 2 years. Think of how long it's been since we've had coaches poached to the NFL. Trust me I'm not a Folden fan but I think things could trajected better for the next coach. However in the end, you're correct, he was too stubborn to realize it.
obviously agree with assessment, been a cane fan since Howard. They were painful to watch on offense
last year, even during the probation years they were not as bad as last year...... Jon Richt was awful in every possible way
and CMR seemed bored last year ....
The OL assessment is spot on, but my question is how have we had such poor OL play for 5-7 years now. Players have come and gone, and the same goes for coaches.
Would appreciate anyone out there who could provide a reasonable explanation.

1. We recruited like ****. 2. We developed like **** (see Donaldson). 3. Our strength and conditioning was a joke. 4. Scheme didn’t help.

It’s pretty obvious when teams like Savanna St and Bethune cookman dominated our OL.
I agreed he was a terrible coach but his recruiting and offenses we're better than we've had in a long, long time. ****, most of his hires got promotions, including an OC that went to the NFL within 2 years. Think of how long it's been since we've had coaches poached to the NFL. Trust me I'm not a Folden fan but I think things could trajected better for the next coach. However in the end, you're correct, he was too stubborn to realize it.
I disagree with all of what you wrote. His recruiting was better in some ways than Shannon’s, and worse in other ways. It certainly wasn’t particularly good. (Nor was Shannon’s.) His evals were on average better but still in many instances were so awful you had to wonder if he was delusional. Larry Hope? Brandon Loftus? Danny Dillard? D’Mauri Jones? Vernon Davis? Gray Crow? These were guys who all the Hs watchers and camp watches said WTF and NFW. He won some local kids before the word was fully out that we weren’t serious as a program. Won few other battles. Preferred to go head to head with cincinatti and kentucky than major programs. As for his offenses, meh. Compared to Richt, Shannon was an offensive genius also. Golden wasn’t good in the red zone, wasn’t good at second half adjustments, and played meh ball. Fall behind and pass isn’t offensive genius. And better than Richt doesn’t mean you aren’t still a bowel movement offensively.

As for assistants, IMO you are massively overrating him. His staff wasn’t good. He had one young guy with potential in Fisch and he bolted early, probably because he saw what you aren’t seeing, which is that Golden wasn’t good for his career. What else were you excited about? Kehoe? Swasey? Franklin? Williams? Coley as OC? Shannon had Pannunzio and Stoutland, both of whom found homes with Saban. Robinson was a solid coach. He added Bill Young for a year. Randy had his problems but Golden’s staph was not a clear step up. Not sure it wasn’t a step down.

This isnt the same UM we dont get those type of players anymore I have said it for years. Took my awhile to see it

This program has been dead for a while. You wanna win? Develope guys and land top prospects. We do neither.

Hopefully Manny can change that. He has a few pieces to work with but this 2020 class needs to hit.

One red flag to me has been his development and recruitment LBs. Outside of Pink and Shaq (average) we have no one. Wilder, Stead, and Jennings are not Miami caliber IMO. And taking only Joyner the year prior was criminal.
One could make the argument to be stalked, as you do concerning me, is a compliment. Yet, you are such a whacko troll/stalker your ongoing behavior is not entertaining, but disturbing.

Unfortunately, you are like the broad who stalked David Letterman by breaking into his home and sending him love letters.

So, allow me to be clear, Doris. I don't swing that way, thus no matter how much effort you put into trying to convince me to engage in an intimate relationship with you...IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN!!!

I have zero interest in communicating with you on any subject, thus I am requesting that you stop stalking and trolling me.

Should you persist in stalking and trolling me I will report you to the 'Stalking Resource Center' (

The biggest troll on this entire forum is requesting not to be trolled. Do you see the irony in that? Also..your analogies are older than Frederick Douglass & Harriet Tubman-half of the time no one even understands what you're trying to say. All it proves is that you're out of touch, and your entire thought process is archaic/outdated. Why don't you just do everyone on this forum a favor, and finally retire? Doing so will allow you to spend more time at the local Bingo hall, as you continue to become decrepit & pass the remaining hopeless days you have left on this Earth.
The biggest troll on this entire forum is requesting not to be trolled. Do you see the irony in that? Also..your analogies are older than Frederick Douglass & Harriet Tubman-half of the time no one even understands what you're trying to say. All it proves is that you're out of touch, and your entire thought process is archaic/outdated. Why don't you just do everyone on this forum a favor, and finally retire? Doing so will allow you to spend more time at the local Bingo hall, as you continue to become decrepit & pass the remaining hopeless days you have left on this Earth.
If all that you vomited up about me is true then I have a question for you; why do you insist on chasing me around and commenting on my posts? Based on your description of me, only a drooling moron would troll my comments. Yet, there you are! This after I politely requested that you no longer respond to or comment on anything I post. Yet again, there you are!

You read my comments and then respond with posts that would put one in a self-induced coma, similar to one who had ingested a fist full of Adderall, Ritalin, and Concerta washed down with a quart of Tequila. You are from the school of; 'What I can say with one sentence will grow into a script for a 3-hour bad movie'. For some psychotic reason, you believe a period at the end of a sentence signals you to write another sentence, and another, and another...

When you author a note to convince someone of a point you are attempting to establish it is important that going forward you accompany your blatherings with the warning: “May cause the reader to commit suicide."
This program has been dead for a while. You wanna win? Develope guys and land top prospects. We do neither.

Hopefully Manny can change that. He has a few pieces to work with but this 2020 class needs to hit.

One red flag to me has been his development and recruitment LBs. Outside of Pink and Shaq (average) we have no one. Wilder, Stead, and Jennings are not Miami caliber IMO. And taking only Joyner the year prior was criminal.
Yes his lb evals have not been good