Freshmen Arrivals

I usually keep my expectations in check with JUCOS. Outside of Pat Hill, I can't recall the last JUCO that came in right away and was dominant. Farquharson was meh. Chase Ford...did nothing. Sandland is struggling, so I'll wait and see if Kamalu can adapt as quickly as we need him to. AQM looks great! Also, I'm excited that these kids are hitting the weights hard, but hope that they are also becoming great football players. I think Allen Bailey left UM with a sheit ton of Weight Room records and just ended up being ok. I do contribute a lot to him wasting his time thinking he was a LB, but strong doesn't necessarily make you great, otherwise FSU would be playing in Dan Kendra Stadium after he led them to the predicted multiple championships.

Sandland is struggling? Dude hasn't even played a game yet. LOL JUCO or not there is always some sort of adjustment period. Learning a new playbook, different terminology, different QB.

Jeremy Shockey came here as a JUCO and didn't light the world on fire immediately, either. Until that final drive against FSU, nobody knew him from a tree stump. Give the kid a chance. There's a reason everybody wanted him.
Coley looks like someone who would have played on those late 80s teams and not given a single f*. Every time I see a picture of him, he has that "what do you want" look on his face. Then I remember when he caught that ball over Rashard Robinson and stood over him.

dude looked like he took Robinson's soul on that.

And Robinson was a cb that is/was a stud and a kid i wanted badly....dude dismissed him like a jv player's first day on varsity.