Forston actually made the Patriots...

Wow, had read he had a shot at practiCe squad.....but 53 man Too bad he never did anything here.
I am happy for him. But the weekend is not over yet. Once we get into next week and the last of the rosters sort themselves out some more, then we can say he stuck.
funny how $$$ can be a motivating factor versus joining the work force

Agree, and i'm not surprised. I think we all had seen flashes of what these guys could have become, but they just needed the real motivation from the start, and they didnt get that. So they were always looking to the money before putting in the work with a "**** you! Pay me!" attitude.
Had talent , but had too many injuries here. Our fan base forgets the talent in that area is unreal and we label them failures because they had a bad run of coaches.
thats a big middle finger to our fanbase for knocking him every sec

I don't care what somebody does in the NFL that doesn't give two ***** about their time at Miami. Good for him, but I'm not going to root for him.
NFL U!!!

Yeah, he got his money!!!( and thats the important thing, right?)

Apparently that's what most of these Shantard busts care about. Henderson is going to be at best, average at Miami. But he will probley make millions in the NFL.
Yup, I mean every time a recruit signs his name on LOI with Miami, first thing I say to myself is,"Geez, I wonder if he'll make an NFL team?"
thats a big middle finger to our fanbase for knocking him every sec

Usually I'd agree with you, but unlike guys like Beason, CMac, KP and Calais, Forston actually was pretty bad here. Happy for him to achieve his dream coming out of the Pork-N-Beans.
Yup, I mean every time a recruit signs his name on LOI with Miami, first thing I say to myself is,"Geez, I wonder if he'll make an NFL team?"

You to? I always thought that Miami recruits would be better off going straight to the NFL instead of robbing the school of scholorship money.