Former Players Donating to IPF


Aug 25, 2014
I was reading that of the donations from former players they have only got 600K. Not for sure if that includes Beason 250k. That seems kind of low. Thoughts on this?
All the players that the U has put in the NFL, I just thought that number should be higher. I am just a phone man and I gave 100.00!!

We have the best football alumni in the country, so I'm not going to cast stones if they don't donate or donate less than people think they should. I don't know what's in anyone else's bank account or what might be going on in their lives, so I'm sticking to being grateful to those that do give.
I think a lot of them have already given large sums for the football program in general. Like Calais, The Rock, and Ray Lewis. I can understand if they don't want to donate again to the IPF.
Its not the players responsibility to pay for an indoor practice faculty. The op sounds like a baby whinning about the players not donating more. They made Miami enough money while they were here playing football.Its on the administrators and the college to pay for the idf.
Its not the players responsibility to pay for an indoor practice faculty. The op sounds like a baby whinning about the players not donating more. They made Miami enough money while they were here playing football.Its on the administrators and the college to pay for the idf.

Dude, Really. No way is my thread whining. Just a comment about donations that players made.You have 5 less post then me. Do not try to be a Made Man on this board, when you and I are just newbies. And its IPF not idf!!!!
We have the most supportive network of former players. Many of them have donated millions to the program over the years which have enabled facility upgrades, etc. They're good.
And its IPF not idf!!!!

It's nice when former players give back, but I don't fault anyone if they don't donate. The school got as much as they did by them being here, so as far as I'm concerned things are even.
Is there like some sort of master list of all the massive donations former players have made? I think that'd be interesting to look at.
To be honest, them being at camps (Paradise Camp), games, and in general around campus is something of a higher priority that I would like them to have. If they do all that and donate great, if they choose one then the time donated will probably help the program in recruiting and national buzz more.