Well, now this makes a lot of sense. This isn’t a big enough story in my opinion to gather a lot of traction on regular media. This sounds like somebody snitching on himself, trying to get leverage for promises made. With nil in place and lega, there really isn’t a system that’s gonna pander to street agents at the same level they did before. You have lawyers, agents, corporations, companies, and legit revenue streams, willing to pay players. Dealing with some shady dude that has some loose connections with people you don’t know and faces you’ve never seen seen isn’t as appealing as it once was. Someone’s revenue stream has likely been very diminished. The legit five star kids don’t need the street agents anymore because dudes like Rosenhaus are calling them directly.
Somebody seems to have some poison switch that was tripped now that he’s being ignored.
The only revenue stream left to pander to is a three star kid. I doubt that G5 teams are going to be paying anywhere near what P4 teams were paying for five stars.