Florida Players Received Attorney Fees, NCAA Violation?

There are a lot of questions to be answered by the Florida attorney and his law firm. As the Hernandez case proceeds the pressure will increase dramatically with the PR of a Florida player being charged and presumably tried for first degree murder. The media will have a field day with this given their dislike of Meyer's win at all cost mentality.

I wouldn't be so sure the NCAA won't look into this in effect the accusations could be more sensational than Jerry Sandusky and Penn State. Mark Emmert has to be consistent and investigate, allegedly there are too many Florida players involved to ignore it. Believe me the other SEC schools want it investigated as well, there is no love lost with Florida and particularly LSU who specifically has a policy prohibiting free legal representation.

When you consider there could be hundreds of thousands of dollars involved here it is something that should, and I believe will, catch the attention of the NCAA. This does have the potential to be a major case against Florida.

Couple things wrong with these assertions. 1: Mark Emmert has not shown, and let me say it twice so everyone believes me, has not shown the capacity to be consistent when it comes to investigating programs, particularly SEC programs. 2nd: The only money and SEC related factors that have caught the NCAA's attention are revenue related. No major case will come of this and this will be brushed under the rug similar to other "major allegations/evidence" of SEC member schools.

NCAA only focuses on real violations that give schools a competetive advantage over other schools (boat rides, free meals, lap dances etc). NCAA does not consider murder, assault, intimidation, bribery, and other criminal activities as real violations because they do not give a competitetive advantage.

A lot to agree with you on first paragraph.
On second, free private defense attorney > PD almost every day of the week = reduced charges, PTI = gets to play = advantage Florida

Oh, and P.S. for LOL http://ll-media.tmz.com/2013/06/26/0626-tmz-gun-aaron-hernandez-3.jpg
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SEC gonna SEC and ESPN nor the hypocritical NCAA will touch it because they know their bread is buttered with the SEC.

This is actually fairly commonplace at all universities. Not saying its right, but it certainly isn't unique to UF. One of the unwritten and unspoken practices.

No offense to you HurricaneU, but this sounds like an excuse Emmert would use to not pursue the issue.

Nothing to take offense at. NCAA isn't going to go stepping into to how a defendant affords their legal bills. They can always say it was done pro bono anyway. Not every lawyer is as dumb as Perez. It's shady perhaps but that's the way it is everywhere.

I'm not defending Emmert or the NCAA. I've been calling for the disbandment of that corrupt and wholly ineffective body of bureaucrats for over a decade.