Five-Star Safety Jacoby Mathews

I wish people would stop saying this dumb sh*t so I could stop defending degenerates like jumbo. I don't care who your QB is, it takes a lot of talent on and off the field to win a NC. Not luck, talent. I don't have a lot to say about jumbo and I don't know if he'll do it again, but you can't take that year away from the guy. There are literally dozens of football coaches who would have messed that up, and it wouldn't have taken much. If I recall they were down a few times, against BC I believe. All it took was one stupid call and they lose that game and the championship. If nothing else, look how good TVD is and look how we lost to fsu this year. That should tell you all you need to know about it being a simple matter of finding a great QB.

The one thing that really stood out to me about that FSU team was how they came out in the first half.

They jumped on teams and were up 21 to 35 points before the half even happened.

That isn't the signs of a corched team. You don't get that kind of jump out of the gate if you aren't well coached, no matter your talent level. Most of their games that year were literally over by the first quarter and in some cases it took the first two.

Did he? Or did Raymond say ✌🏽, I'm outta here. No desire to work with you!

Really would be interesting to hear what really happened.
Kelly didn’t want him… Credit where credit is due, Napier figured it out first and was in turn first in line because of the head start Florida had on their staff transition over Miami. No blame here, a lot of schools with head starts on us managed to **** up with Raymond, Florida just was there first with the offer sheet and Raymond is a man of very high integrity so he stuck with them even when better schools finally came calling.
Kelly didn’t want him… Credit where credit is due, Napier figured it out first and was in turn first in line because of the head start Florida had on their staff transition over Miami. No blame here, a lot of schools with head starts on us managed to **** up with Raymond, Florida just was there first with the offer sheet and Raymond is a man of very high integrity so he stuck with them even when better schools finally came calling.
Yea I’m sure he wanted to stay in the SEC and be able to stick it to LSU yearly on the trail and during the season. Texas offered him over a million to be there Secondary coach last year and he stayed pat at LSU.
It’s a thread about a kid who isn’t coming here, hence is irrelevant. Those usually delve into nonsense.
It’s not just this thread though. I’m not the thread police and usually don’t care if a thread gets derailed. But I feel like every thread I’ve opened tonight has the same conversation going on. I seriously though my phone glitched and merged a different thread with this one.
Not entirely disagreeing but this is a lot of what I get into people here with on all the time. Who recruited Winston? Who coached him? Who recruited Dalvin? And all those kids in 2012-2014?

You’re right, Jimbo’s offense is antiquated and he needs a massive talent advantage to win if he’s going to continue to call the offense in the manner that he has been his entire career. But you can’t say “lightning in a bottle” like it was luck. If you wanna criticize him for being a corch, which is valid, you have to tip your cap for assembling those teams, which is also very deserved. Can’t kill people for negatives and not recognize their positives. It doesn’t work that way.
That cuck took over FSU when it was basically rock bottom. They had Korey Magnum at safety and lost to Kirby Freeman. He recruited his *** of and rebuilt them back into MNC champions. It’s just crazy talk to call him a corch. At this point according to CSI there are only 4 quality coaches… Saban, Meyer, Dabo and Mario. 3 of those guys are cheats so that leaves us with one guy…
Kelly didn’t want him… Credit where credit is due, Napier figured it out first and was in turn first in line because of the head start Florida had on their staff transition over Miami. No blame here, a lot of schools with head starts on us managed to **** up with Raymond, Florida just was there first with the offer sheet and Raymond is a man of very high integrity so he stuck with them even when better schools finally came calling.

What better schools came calling?
Kelly didn’t want him… Credit where credit is due, Napier figured it out first and was in turn first in line because of the head start Florida had on their staff transition over Miami. No blame here, a lot of schools with head starts on us managed to **** up with Raymond, Florida just was there first with the offer sheet and Raymond is a man of very high integrity so he stuck with them even when better schools finally came calling.
He wasn't going to step on trobs toes. Mario didn't know he was available and the job was trobs already. If he knew he was available TRob would be gone imo
Cinci has to get some long drives or their d will run out of steam. Depth is huge in this game.