You guys along with your “insider” have to be the most clueless fan base out there. I thought GA fans were bad. Literally all the insiders from Bama have all pretty much conceded that it’s a UT/MIA (aka Missing In Action) battle but you’re insider named Gabby (who names a guy Gabby?) thinks otherwise. Meanwhile he’s literally contradicted himself all week for clicks and you fools have followed him like a whipped dog. The dude sucks.
I also think it’s hilarious that you all think TN is irrelevant but Miami isn’t

. At least TN has the excuse of playing in the toughest league. Miami is in a weak conference that’s crumbling, and still can’t get it done. I had forgotten Miami even played football. No one thinks of Miami except for the people in Miami.
1. TN’s fan base in number and support literally blows Miami out of the water. Like it’s not even close.
2. Wayyyyy better stadium and game day environment
3. Better history and tradition
4. Better “after football” support (VFL)
With all that being said Francis is VOL.Take your L and spend that energy trying to figure out how you’re going to navigate through that mighty ACC conference of yours
