Fire Coach L

Grant would be good, but go big for Beard...he would kill in ACC.

Our dipchits in charge would never go for Beard, they would assume he isn’t attainable regardless of whether he would come or not.

The same way they never would have went after Coach L, they would simply assume he isn’t attainable.

Forget that. They probably have no idea who Beard is or what he does.

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Do we have any insider-type insights or info? I wonder how much a legendary coach nearing retirement does hands-on practice, drills, teaching, etc; versus letting his assistants know what he wants and leaving it to them. One might suspect after decades and decades he might tire of the prep - and without the dancing from some stellar results a few years back, might be going more thru the motions than one thinks and expects...

...which leaves it to the staff to teach, prep, drill, even motivate to some degree. And it becomes more and more obvious as we discuss the staff that some of the best staffers have left for greener pastures and it's far from clear (to me anyway) what figurehead stuff Coach L already does, and what hands-on he still does... or how capable this staff really is currently?

According to the ESPN broadcast, this team doesn't even practice anymore smh
Beard, Gregg Marshall, Randy Bennett, John Becker, David Cox, Brian Dutcher, Scott Nagy, Steve Forbes
seeing that random fans twitter post boils my blood. The guy needs to retire before he becomes a hated figure in the fan base. I loved Jim at the beginning of his tenure now I can’t stand him as a coach. He needs to go
He’s lost his touch over the last few years.

He needs to be offered a buyout to retire.
What a waste of a thread this is. Coach L will coach the rest of his contract and the team will be good next year. If the FBI fiasco did not occur costing us basically 2 recruiting classes this thread would have some merit but that is not the case.
Outside of Hamilton who has been our best coach period.Don't you realize that scandal a couple years ago kind of set us back.and if you get your wish and coach L is fired I bet they hire another coach like haith.
You know Blake is just going to hire Huger or Konkol.

Huger or Konkol are very different when compared to Manny Diaz.

Both are currently 15-5 at Bowling Green and Louisiana Tech. Both are starting to establish themselves as good head coaches.

Manny Diaz had no previous head coaching experience.

Don't sleep on either becoming the next head basketball coach as a bad thing.

Next season is becoming make or break for Coach L. He needs to be given an ultimatum add two freshman bigs to enter the season with 13 scholarship players and win big (24 plus wins and Sweet Sixteen) or he will not get to finish out his contract.
Sure when you don't want to address the real problem.

Roster management is the root cause of this failure.

Did you read the porst about two recruiting classes and the potato who said it?

The FBI impacted ONE class. With that said, we were still able to bring in 3 transfers that year (Kam, Mack and Johnson).
Did you read the porst about two recruiting classes and the potato who said it?

The FBI impacted ONE class. With that said, we were still able to bring in 3 transfers that year (Kam, Mack and Johnson).

Yeah but that is only scratching the surface. We are some of the few fans who dig deep to discuss the real issue.

Using 11 of 13 scholarships is not playing with a full roster. Especially when you have 11 players then decide to redshirt a player or fail to apply for a transfer waiver for a transfer.

I am amazed people struggle so much with basic math.
Yeah but that is only scratching the surface. We are some of the few fans who dig deep to discuss the real issue.

Using 11 of 13 scholarships is not playing with a full roster. Especially when you have 11 players then decide to redshirt a player or fail to apply for a transfer waiver for a transfer.

I am amazed people struggle so much with basic math.

Dig deep? Just remove your head out of your ****.

1. You responded to a porster who thought the FBI materially impacted two recruiting classes. That is false. Even though the FBI ***ed us for ONE recruiting class; we’ve done a poor job with roster management for numerous years (prior to the FBI).

2. Even though it destroyed one (and only one) recruiting class, we still brought in 3 transfers. Coach didn’t have to stop at 3 either, he could have taken more. Just like he could have taken more transfers last year or other years before the FBI. A material reason why we had 6 scholarships playing today is poor roster management (for numerous years).

3. With the game setup the way it is today, you can replace talent via recruiting HS/JUCO/Prep or transfers. Just bring in talent. It doesn’t really matter how they come to Miami, just come. Use your scholarships.

4. When your potential best big man is sitting on the bench and you refuse to apply for a waiver (although nothing is guaranteed), you only exacerbate the problem.

5. Injuries are NOT unique to Miami, ask UNC. On top of that, we took a transfer coming off a major knee issue in 2019. In addition, Gak had a serious injury. We knew all of this a long time ago.

Well, all of this was known to those that can google.