Get ready. Coach Golden is about to open up a can of whoop *** on recruiting in the next 3 1/2 weeks!
Go Canes!
"I appreciate the interest by my Alma Mater but I am 100% committed to The University of Miami and I am a Hurricane. Contrary to ANY rumors you may hear, I will remain the coach of my team and have one month until NSD to sign the recruits we need to return to greatness. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do." ::drop mic::This horrible PSU-induced nightmare finally ends today. Now let them go back into obscurity of their rehabilitation process. It will be interesting to see what Coach Golden does now during the next few weeks until NSD. Hopefully the rest of our recruits are loyal to their commitment and we can pick up a few surprises before NSD ends. No more talk about Golden to PSU. Coach Golden's strength is his recruiting, so they say, so let's see how he cleans up from the mess of the past two weeks. So glad that the unneeded drama of this PSU crapupathon is over. Time to move on.
He brought it upon himself.
Golden could've handle it way better, just look at how Jimbo handled all the Texas talk he simply said there is nothing to talk about and there is not one thing or person bigger then FSU football I'm only interested in FSU football so it didn't turn into a distraction and FSU was able to win the national championship and have a great class, when Golden went missing it made it about him and not the program