Final Bowl Ban Thread

Man this really sucks. Feel terrible for Mike James. Your last game played is at Duke. Not cool

As opposed to playing in the Sedano's toilet bowl on Dec 9th?

Since when has this program been about going to 3rd rate bowls and losing 5 games a year? Would you rather tell Mike James and a relatively small senior class they are going to miss their bowl or have to tell a larger senior class next year or even 2 years from now that THEY won't get to go to a bowl?

It sucks no matter what...but it 's the right move to take the lumps now.

What? Im talking ACCCG. The first time we make it and we can't go. I understand and support the decision. Still doesnt change my post

They are one and the same. If you choose to self impose you miss out on the entire post season. If you forego the decision to self impose you go to ACCCG with this 5-6 loss team and lose to FSU/Clemson and you're playing in a crappy bowl regardless.

And I understand about Mike James....but imagine telling 10,15 or 20 Mike James this same thing next year or 2 years from now. It's a small senior no matter what but better now that later.

All I know is if the NCAA penalizes Miami with more than 15 schollies lost and any additional bowl losses, there's going to be some royally ****ed off Canes fans out there.
man you can almost feel Als frustration, Come at me! Dude is the job. I wanna see this team beat the **** outta Duke and enjoy doing it.
The NCAA should be taking into consideration 2 self imposed bowl bans in a row, and the financial losses to the U.
I'm not counting on any illusions of "fairness." My fear is that the Vogrons at the NCAA will care less about what has been self-imposed and take pleasure at their ability to ***** over the U.
The time it took the NCAA was in itself criminal. Having a convicted liar throw out bit by bit of accusations and then following every lead played in to the hands of Shapiro who knew that every month of time the investigation took was penalty in itself. I dont expect fair treatment from the NCAA .We will see what happens.Hopefully 5 schollies a year for 3 years. We will see what happens.
man you can almost feel Als frustration, Come at me! Dude is the job. I wanna see this team beat the **** outta Duke and enjoy doing it.

The ACC and their refs LULZ at your post

Duke WILL advance. Make no mistake about it. The ACC is not sending a 3rd place team to the ship bcuz UNC and IMAIM can't go
All I know is if the NCAA penalizes Miami with more than 15 schollies lost and any additional bowl losses, there's going to be some royally ****ed off Canes fans out there.


Is this a serious "why"?

Have you looked at the punishments UCF and North Carolina received for worse infractions?

Please provide your sources that suggest Miami's infractions are worse than UCF's.

You have no idea what NCAA has dug up.

ACC will just make sure that Duke wins on Saturday

Expect Ron Cherry to giveus the business

Why? What does Duke winning mean? It doesn't benefit the ACC. GT is the Coastal representative now.

Duke wins it legitimately and the ACC saves face bcuz the actual winner (IMAIM) can't go.

And the 2nd place finisher (Heels) cant either

They'd be sending a 3rd place GT team that doesnt deserve ****.

Duke WILL advance. Holding calls galore for IMAIM
Btw, this means that we definitely DONT skate...

They must know there are substantiated allegations.

Not true

This just means that they know the NCAA was going to give us at least one more bowl ban and Al has repeatedly stated that he wants this behind him IMMEDIATELY

I doubt we get another bowl ban......especially if we're giving up 2 postseason games this year alone. We are giving up 3 postseason games in 2 seasons.
What does this mean towards are sanctions? Are they that bad then?

They must have felt they were bad or they were never have done this. Tough move. but the right call. It's all about keeping Golden now. Lose him, and the program is dead forever.