Here we go! Maybe "Chise" and his BFF RVACane can stop posting now?!
Hey douchebag, you're targeting a living legend and the Gators worst nightmare. This site wouldn't be the same without them. You on the other hand....
Lol living legend? You wacking it to dudes on a message board now?
I'm a big Richt supporter but y'all nut gobblers need to stfu. It's exactly this no one can complain attitude that defended Golden for four years or so. To the bitter end.
Thank you. This is exactly how I see it. Someone can support Richt but question his play calling or refuse to jump all in on a recruit's bandwagon if that recruit hasn't visited much or skips our events in favor of other schools' events. It doesn't make that person a bad Cane. It shouldn't give people the green light to attack those who express legitimate concerns or who have trepidation from what they are seeing.
People savaged the early guys who took issue with Golden yet those people were right...yet the Golden support continued. All I've said about these recruits is
#WatchTheVisits .
Pete makes a statement that we lead for Campbell and these jackwads come out and start trying to silence anyone who questioned where we stood with the kid.