Feels different this cycle

One of the drawbacks of replacing a large portion of your staff is that the new guys might have different priorities in recruiting than the guys they replaced. If we had decided to keep recruiting the two linemen that were already committed to the prior staff and we had four “commits” now would some of you guys be happy? Priorities changed and there was a lot of ground to be made up on a lot of the newer targets. Also, we’re whale hunting now and there’s some really big names trending our way that weren’t giving us the time of day a few months back. I would much rather see our staff working on the 5 star guys than just taking L’s on every big name player and settling for early commits from JAGs.
Agreed. But the behaviors amd feedback via interviews sounds like we’re not just flailing, Hard to explain bjt feels different to me than the past.
Spoken like a Jedi. I agree.

The one refreshing thing for me with Manny has always been his willingness to make adjustments. After having 3 coaches in a row that were so mind numbingly stubborn in a game full of adjustments, Manny has shown he can learn from his mistakes.

The longer this somewhat quiet streak of recruiting has gone on, the more confident I’ve been that this class is going to be a good one.
If anyone is actually worried over something that they have absolutely zero control over, they need to reevaluate their life.

Having this low number of recruits at this time is definitely out of the mainstream, but there’s not a single thing anyone here can do about it.

Either accept it and hope that this staff knows what they’re doing, or don’t, but gnashing about like you need a rest on the fainting couch is absurd. Miami will sign a full complement by early next year. You may not like the class, but they’ll sign recruits.

Manny either gets this right or it’s his ***, so me? No worries.
I imagine the portal has also caused coaches to reconsider their recruiting styles. It's no longer enough to convince a recruit to sign with a school. If you have develop a relationship, that recruit could be your portal transfer in 2 years.
I imagine the portal has also caused coaches to reconsider their recruiting styles. It's no longer enough to convince a recruit to sign with a school. If you have develop a relationship, that recruit could be your portal transfer in 2 years.
Elite recruiting schools love it. Bring in multiple 5 stars at every position, the best kid wins the job, the other kid leaves and opens up another slot rather than hold that scholly for 4 years. We have been killing the portal ourselves, it has been good to us.
Cautiously optimistic. More on approach than outcome. It’s an uncertain business but it feels like we’re executing a plan more consistently than before. Where it ends up I don’t know. We’ve got some legit recruiters on staff now, but it’s the overall approach I’m sensing. There’s that old adage about two bulls on a hill. One says to the other ‘pop, let’s run down there and eff*one a dem cows.’ Pop responds ‘no, son, let’s walk down there and eff* them all.’ Feels like we’re growin up as recruiters.

I think cautiously optimistic is a good way to put it. Cautiously because I don't think we'll see fruit of our recruiting labor this year - setting the stage for next couple years (assuming we don't **** the bed on the field). TRob, DVD and Ish (and I'll add, Simpson) are giving us some serious cache in recruiting. We may land 1 surprise kid but the fact that we are legimately in it for so many studs on defense is a reflection of this staff. My hope is that we can keep these guys together on the staff,
1. Towards the first point of view: The amount of times where early commits have decommitted later on is so big, people could write books about it. There are several reasons why kids bounce from commitments during a football season: Coaching changes. Losing records. Bags. Or improving your own stake enough to get better teams interested in your service. Especially the last three have happened to us on numerous occasions.

2. So you want to push for early commits and kids dont want to commit because they want to take their time? I find it amazing that some on here apparently cannot understand that the vast, vast, vast majority of high school players from the 2022 class had no actual visits to any colleges in 2020 and the only thing there was were zoom meetings and phone calls. That was it. The stuff that is now happening at Miami, the cookouts, the photo shoots, the workouts, none of this was doable for a full year because the NCAA prohibited it. A lot of these kids and families want to have the full experience before they/their sons make a choice.

We used to have several players committed in June only to lose them by November all over again. Manny does not want to ride the commit-decommit rollercoaster, just like T-Rob does not want to have it. They want to make sure that every player understands what kind of players they want here.

This is not a "bad" class. I am not even sure how this is supposed to be a "bad class", you have a insane amount of players not wanting to make a decision yet because they want to take their time. It takes two to tango. Even if we wanted players like Stewart or Rogers to commit now, they wouldnt, because they want to take their time.

If you want to know how ****ed up recruiting currently is at this point: Rutgers is 5th in recruiting rankings. 5th. They havent had a winning season since 2014, and they havent won five games since then either. Remember when Tennessee was getting commits from highly ranked players left and right last season and people knew that something fishy was going on? Their class absolutely collapsed at the end of 2020.
Yes a few strange schools are doing well early, like Rutgers - but that's the exception. Take a look at the rest of the rankings. OSU is 1, LSU is 2, ND 3, Georgia 4, etc. Bama and Clemson are a little lower than they will finish, but they're still 30+ spots higher than Miami and have much higher star averages. Miami is the outlier. Every other top program seems to be getting at least some of their guys to commit.

This is, currently, a bad class because it is outside of the top 60. It may end up as a good class, but as of June 15th, it is not. That seems obvious.

And you're right that sometimes classes fall apart late, but that is also the exception. Teams that start fast tend to finish fast.

Your entire argument is basically "Ed Reed was a 2 star"-logic applied to the current topic lol.
By "average player rating", which is the real indicator of quality of recruits Rutgers is no where near Top 5. Now they have a good class for Rutgers, but it is boosted by overall commit numbers, not quality.

Rutgers class is far from "tremendous" when you break it down.
Yes a few strange schools are doing well early, like Rutgers - but that's the exception. Take a look at the rest of the rankings. OSU is 1, LSU is 2, ND 3, Georgia 4, etc. Bama and Clemson are a little lower than they will finish, but they're still 30+ spots higher than Miami and have much higher star averages. Miami is the outlier. Every other top program seems to be getting at least some of their guys to commit.

This is, currently, a bad class because it is outside of the top 60. It may end up as a good class, but as of June 15th, it is not. That seems obvious.

And you're right that sometimes classes fall apart late, but that is also the exception. Teams that start fast tend to finish fast.

Your entire argument is basically "Ed Reed was a 2 star"-logic applied to the current topic lol.
You are way too hard on "commit". A "commit" in college football recruiting means as much as "I like you now" unless its publicly shut down. A commit can change and it has already.

And, okay, if you say how much of a bad class is, here is a reality check: It doesnt matter because its June. It literally does not matter one bit. Rutgers has a tremendous class right now. Clemson has a **** class and Alabama is currently underperforming in their class. Wisconsin is doing worse than we are, so their class must be absolutely awful. Happy?

My logic is that there is no point in getting upset or worried about recruiting right now just because it isnt like in the years past where we had players committed, only for them to bounce and us scrambling to get replacements. The communication that our coaches have with the recruited players has been well documented for quite some time and none of the recruiting experts in here who have actual insight appear to be worried, scared, frightened or angry. If thats the "Ed Reed is a 2 star"-logic to you, okay then.

Or, as Cribby himself said it about a week ago: Its better to stay silent sometimes.

But if you wanna get upset over unpicked apples, go for it. Oh boy, we only got two commits right now, our future is so screwed...
I don't think he is "upset" (lol, most are not that or worried) over unpicked apples, I think it is more the "experts" here said wait until after this, and this, and this, and we still have two after that. It's more that other teams are getting the Top 100 apples in the tree and we are not, and well there are only 100 of those apples. Now if we get 15 of them apples in December, all is well. If not, well we are in trouble.

I find it funny how discussing lack of recruits on a recruiting board leads to some yelling "RELAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, IT'S ONLY JUNE GUYS!!!!!!!!". This a discussion board, to discuss recruiting, that is all most are doing. The ones most worked up are the ones trying to defend just 2 recruits right now, real odd scenario in here.
If having the top class before the season even starts meant something, Al Golden would be a recruiting god
Al had 3 Top 15 classes and then he mailed it in in 2015. His #1 problem was not recruiting, even though he was not "good" at it.
I don't think he is "upset" (lol) over unpicked apples, I think it is more the "experts" here said wait until after this, and this, and this, and we still have two. It's more that other teams are getting the Top 100 apples in the tree and we are not, and well there are only 100 of those apples. Now if we get 15 of them apples in December, all is well. If not, well we are in trouble.
True, because once this apples have been picked, no one can come over and still them out of your bag.

I find it funny how discussing lack of recruits on a recruiting board leads to some yelling "RELAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, IT'S ONLY JUNE GUYS!!!!!!!!". This a discussion board, to discuss recruiting, that is all most are doing. The ones most worked up are the ones trying to defend just 2 recruits right now, real odd scenario in here.
Right, you dismiss the notion of people being upset either at the current state of recruiting or what people said about the recruiting, now you want to say people yell and the most worked up people are the ones defending the current state. Makes perfect sense or "odd scenario", as you may call it.

Well, yes, this is a discussion board, but once a discussion is...

literally like this, there is no point in discussing. And we are at that point, because, as always on this platform, theres the ones chilling, the ones in the middle and the ones absolutely freaking out wanting to fire each and every coach and replace them with Butch Davis who then proceeds to do a one man show.
*STEAL apples

And literally this what discussion boards are for, to discuss

Like I said, the ones flipping out are the ones trying to defend the 2 recruits, read the thread it's a fact. The others are just showing concern at a low # in June (which is premature but other programs are in the teens so it warrants asking) and are DISCUSSING it, on a DISCUSSION BOARD about FOOTBALL RECRUITING, that's what it is for.

LMAO @ the blindness here by some, CIS never fails me

/and of course they are not SIGNED, we KNOW that, please stop with that "they all gonna flip" response, some will, but most Top 100 in the baskets will not
Yes, everyone is blind except you, everyones getting worked up except you, you got it.
I love the “win and they will come” guys.
I have been following recruiting since about 04 go back and look, our best classes came with a first year bump more than they ever did after a good year on the field.

I don’t believe we have ever had this few commits in mid June. I understand the “we have guys waiting till fall” line of thought. Except guys we are recruiting keep committing to other schools. Sure it’s only been a couple weeks. How many commits have other schools had since June 1? Is it zero? Because we are at zero.

I’m not freaking out. I’m just saying at what point do you start to worry? This feels like when everyone thought AG was a lame duck so we couldn’t get kids so the school threw him an extension. Is Manny being talked about as a lame duck coach?
If the newer staff are such stud recruiters, then why be afraid of early commits. You should have faith you can keep your guys committed.

And by all means we have been recruiting many of these kids for a long long time. Basically any of these south Florida kids have been here before, there’s not much more to show them. Why have literally none of them committed?

Is the bag game at that level down there? I don’t live in south Florida so maybe I’m out of touch. But something seems fishy. Especially in a class where it appears we have a stud QB already in the fold.
think they want to unleash the commits at paradise once they got around a bit. i think thats time we will see our class truly take shape
We got a lot of them last cycle. But it was an usual cycle because covid and one datapoint doesn’t create a trend. If we do well this cycle, which is less favorable overall to us in terms of local kids, it’ll start to look like a trend.

It was still a success that the coaches deserve credit for. They adjusted. Not everyone did.

Draw a 250 mile circle around G-Ville and Tally and look at how much "local talent" they each missed out on. FSU is a mess, but UF massively failed to keep kids home. I'm pretty sure covid hit North Florida too! :)

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