Favorite game this season

UF because it meant more. If we finished this season with 8 wins, I still would have been fine as long as we smoked the gators. They are so bitter right now, because they truly believe they'd own us in the later part of the season.

2nd is Cal because that game was crazy. I was literally about to go to bed and decided to watch one more drive when they started the comeback.

UF beat down
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Gators then Louisville, but I was always worried about GT. What are we 2-4 against them in the last 6? Some teams just have your number.
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UF set the tone for the season and put everyone on notice. If only the defense could have kept up that momentum.

Cal is a close second because of the insane comeback and idk why but the fact that it happened at like 2am made it even more exciting to me.
florida easily and then fsu. I spent waaaaaay too much time mad as **** during the cal game for it to be my favorite. The first three quarters were a giant **** stain of a game.
What is everyone's favorite game? For me it's Cal followed by Louisville second.
Kicking UFs a$$ in the swamp. I'm from just south of there so I have a bunch of friends who are gator fans. Felt great to stomp them. Cal comeback was one of the craziest games I've seen but I was nervous as **** the whole time. Beating FSU is honorable mention bc it's always nice to beat those 🤡s
Sitting on the 50 yard line home side in the sewer for that beat down on 8/31 was genuinely one of the best days of my life. Genuinely. That was not only the best game this year, by far, it was one of the best games in recent memory. I sat there for every second of the game in the middle of bull gators and I can’t even put into words what a day it was.
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It’s obviously UF. Those of you saying Cal are not taking into account the first 35-40 minutes of game time where we played like **** and it was torture to watch.
Gator knockout for sure. They missed the eight-count, drooling on the canvas till mid-season, and almost got Billy fired.
Beating the dog **** out of those cousin loving Bozo's in Gainesville was one of the most enjoyable football games in recent memory.