Favorite Game Ever Attended?

91 Miami vs fsu. wide right I
I somehow ended up with tickets from an fsu booster so we had first and second row seats right behind fsu's bench. Had the cops threaten to throw me out for singing "**** you semenholes, semenholes **** you" every time they started that stupid chant. And then I got to run past a sea of garnet and sad faces when they realized the kick was missed. lol I ran all the way around, climbed to the top of a fence and hung over as far as I could to high five players as they were leaving the field. I've been to a ton of games, including NC game wins, but that game sticks at the top. I think it's because all the fsu fans were so hurt and in disbelief as I ran by them screaming. Yeah, they're gonna get that same look this year.

1987 Notre Dame vs UM. Canes win 24-0
Student section and south side of stadium salutes Brent Musberger with a birdie and chants ”Fluck You Brent” for talking smack about JJ running up score in Gerry Faust’s last season in 85. In the live TV transmission Brent is so overwhelmed by the chants that he sticks his head out of the press box and waves and addresses the crowd saying "anything I can do for the student body".
my seats for 20 years south side closed end, row 32 on the 10 yard line.
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The entire 1979,1980 home games.....I might have only been 3-4 years old but being there shaped me more then I will ever know. On the sidelines with my fam. My Dad was the equipment manager for the team and it gave me access to things I would kill for now. Still ****ed that family had to move back to freakin Pennsylvania.
Miami vs ND in 89, I was in the West end Zone upper deck, 3 and 47 boom Miami first down. I miss those fans!
89 ND game was just electric,
91 FSU game, my dad threw a beer bottle at a sorostitute hanging out of a house window screaming obscenities at us and called her an effin **** after the game,
86 Oklahoma, watching them take off their blazers cause thr heat
00 FSU game, so dehydrated I slept on the kitchen tile floor for four hours sfter game
03 UF, 38 messages at halftime from UF grads, 0 at the end of the game
**** I could go on and on, luv the Canes!!!

Semper Canes!!!
In the 89 ND game, if you recall the end zone had no assign seating. I swear there were over 100,000 people there, everyone had a way to get into the OB somehow. I couldn't sit down cause there were two bodies per seat in the WEST. I stood up in the humidity for the entire game. Was in sales at the time and couldn't talk on the phone for like 4 days after the game.
Hard to pick just one, here's a few in no order

UCLA game
Carlos Jones INT v FSU game
02 v FSU
03 v UF
Gerry Faust game
Michael Barrow hit on Vanover game
Tough call. Any of these come to mind:

Wide Right II (home against FSU in '92).
The trouncing at Doak in '01.
The comeback from 33-10 against UF in '03.
The buzz at the O-Bowl after the '00 FSU game was palpable.
Another memorable one was the win against FSU at home in '02, mainly because it seemed like a war zone in the WEZ with people passing out from dehydration.
The '03 rain game at Doak stands out even more now because it's a last memory of ST26. RIP.
Hard to pick just one, here's a few in no order

UCLA game
Carlos Jones INT v FSU game
02 v FSU
03 v UF
Gerry Faust game
Michael Barrow hit on Vanover game
Saw this from home, but felt the O-Bowl rock through the TV.
2000 Miami vs. SemenHoles in the OB...I was in the stands right behind the goal post where the kick sailed wide! It was disgustingly hot that day, but beer and the Cane Boys balling pulled me through.
Any game we beat Florida is tops with me
Individual games
Rose Bowl 2002
FSU, 1983, 1987, 1991, 1994, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2009
Kickoff Classic 1999
Penn State 1981
N Dame 1981, 1985, 1987,1989
Orange Bowl Classic 1988, 1991, 1992
Flutie pass game.
Faust's last game.
Memphis game at Liberty Bowl Stadium (not the bowl game) in Memphis.
LaTech in Shreveport.
2001 WestVa in the rain. Hello Frank Gore. Nice to meet you.
UF Sugar.
5th Natty.
TAMU in College Station.
Shannon's last game.
Beat down by Keukle and BC in Golden's first year.
Indy Bowl in the Port.
Looking forward to L$U at Jerry World.
Miami vs FSU 09. I was a Freshman in college and it was my first Miami vs FSU game ever.

Impossible to pick one, but the L'ville game in '04 and the RAB last year are special to me because '04 was my son's first live game and he still talks about it like it was yesterday and the RAB was my daughters first bowl game the the first time I saw the true passion of being a 'Cane on her face.
2015 vs Clemson - the game that finally got rid of our high school coach. was a great day and the start of a new beginning.