Official Fall PractiSe #2; Wednesday, August 2nd

frosted tips.. nice. And young looks plenty thick.
Why r u worried about how “Thick” Young looks? BIG PAUSE! Dats a nono! Don’t worry about it doe! Sho Scott!
Scott Hall Wrestling GIF by WWE

Hey yo! Hit the button

As well spoken as can be, NFL body, & a hungry kid being from Juco ranks. This is my dude here. Pulling hard for this kid.
I know u want him succeed and we all do but I hope ur not “pulling hard” for him. BIG PAUSE!
Scott Hall Post GIF

Hey yo! Hit the button
It is these kinds of posts, out of your nearly 30k, that keeps me coming back to this site. Not as often as I would like, which would explain why I missed the original post about X.
Restrepo's birth-induced medical condition has been discussed, since I think, day 1 of his commitment.

Then discussed again upon his signing, then again after his first video events after his Y1 practices.

I could see how that would get missed though since it hasn't been mentioned much.
Restrepo's birth-induced medical condition has been discussed, since I think, day 1 of his commitment.

Then discussed again upon his signing, then again after his first video events after his Y1 practices.

I could see how that would get missed though since it hasn't been mentioned much.
When you post an average of 15 times per day, for five years straight, I can see how YOU wouldn't miss it.

But, please tell me again, where else was it mentioned so we can completely disregard my introductory qualification to my post?