Fall Practice Summary- Day 6

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Tate, I haven't heard any reports confirming that he was better than any other QB on the roster. I only see porsters grasping at straws to create false narratives. If he is the best QB and he is outperforming the other two, I'm sure the media would be reporting it. Quite frankly guys, thats not whats being reported... Anywhere.
Reading between some pretty wide lines, what's being reported is that there may not be a true quality QB among the three contenders. So, Enos/Manny will pick the best of an average lot. That was always a possibility so really can't be called a shock.
I’m not calling anyone out or going to discuss this in detail, but Enos LOVES Tate. He’s literally on his hip constantly. He’s the smartest quarterback in the building. He’s put the work in to earn the starting job if they believe he’s the best one for the job. The coaching staff loves his work ethic and tenacity. Anyone who says differently has an agenda. That’s coming directly from the mouths of the staff first person. The starter hasn’t been decided, but to say ANYTHING negative about how the staff “feels” about Tate is bullsh*t.
Reading between some pretty wide lines, what's being reported is that there may not be a true quality QB among the three contenders. So, Enos/Manny will pick the best of an average lot. That was always a possibility so really can't be called a shock.

That's fair. They might all be average.

Let me ask you this though... If N'Kosi was throwing picks during the media viewing session in multiple practices, do you think it would be ignored or glossed over?
Lmao, you talk about not hearing reports of Tate being better than the other two , say people are grasping at straws but earlier you did the same thing talking like every pass tate throws is inaccurate which is purely bs.

No qb has been better than the others , they’ve all had moments of good/bad accuracy.

Don’t call mofos out about **** and do the exact same thing.

You have and agenda just like the people you’re mocking.

All three are canes and we should all want the best guy to win. Take shots at the qb you don’t like ( for whatever reason ) is just trashy. That goes for all of the QBs.

Everything I’ve heard matches with D money, it’s too tight to call right now. Nobody is running away with the job.

That’s not an optimal position to be in right now...I was at both practices and YES Tate throws way too many in the ground. Now in spread maybe it can be masked enough where the defense just loads the box and dares him to throw. Lastly, can’t take this stuff personal like for example Manny Navarro pretty much summed up the same thing and so have many others. We are what we are and hopefully we can overachieve at LOS and especially under center🙌🏽
That’s not an optimal position to be in right now...I was at both practices and YES Tate throws way too many in the ground. Now in spread maybe it can be masked enough where the defense just loads the box and dares him to throw. Lastly, can’t take this stuff personal like for example Manny Navarro pretty much summed up the same thing and so have many others. We are what we are and hopefully we can overachieve at LOS and especially under center🙌🏽

Did not read , I avoid trolls but thanks. Oh and I hate everything bagels.
I’m not calling anyone out or going to discuss this in detail, but Enos LOVES Tate. He’s literally on his hip constantly. He’s the smartest quarterback in the building. He’s put the work in to earn the starting job if they believe he’s the best one for the job. The coaching staff loves his work ethic and tenacity. Anyone who says differently has an agenda. That’s coming directly from the mouths of the staff first person. The starter hasn’t been decided, but to say ANYTHING negative about how the staff “feels” about Tate is bullsh*t.

Welcome back stranger.
I’m not calling anyone out or going to discuss this in detail, but Enos LOVES Tate. He’s literally on his hip constantly. He’s the smartest quarterback in the building. He’s put the work in to earn the starting job if they believe he’s the best one for the job. The coaching staff loves his work ethic and tenacity. Anyone who says differently has an agenda. That’s coming directly from the mouths of the staff first person. The starter hasn’t been decided, but to say ANYTHING negative about how the staff “feels” about Tate is bullsh*t.
The board ain't trying to hear it. They think whoever throws the ball the furthest with a spiral is the best QB.
The board ain't trying to hear it. They think whoever throws the ball the furthest with a spiral is the best QB.

Actually more know than many think here...we all have opinions and perspectives etc but one thing is for sure the eye in sky never lies and we are better but not where we need to be today at OL and QB. I saw that in spring and especially in the last 2 practices that were open. Would love to attend the scrimmage on Sunday but that ain’t happening but cane fest on Saturday will reveal a little bit as their faces always can give you a picture of what’s going on.
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Right! With Osborn, JT4, and the best tight end combo in the nation teams cant double an try to bracket JT4 an the tight ends will eat teams alive in the middle of the field!!! We know Brevin is a bad *** i cant wait to see Will i love the way he plays and only a sophmore he looks alot more comfortable this year too!!! Cant Wait!!!

Don't sleep on playmaker jr. With Hodges it sounds like we've got 4 dudes that are nice at TE.
Reading between some pretty wide lines, what's being reported is that there may not be a true quality QB among the three contenders. So, Enos/Manny will pick the best of an average lot. That was always a possibility so really can't be called a shock.
All 3 are much better than we’ve seen in awhile on the field. Good coaching will do that...
That's fair. They might all be average.

Let me ask you this though... If N'Kosi was throwing picks during the media viewing session in multiple practices, do you think it would be ignored or glossed over?
I take your point, and agree. Unfortunately for N'kosi, he's the only one we've really seen in action and what we saw wasn't pretty.
Reading between some pretty wide lines, what's being reported is that there may not be a true quality QB among the three contenders. So, Enos/Manny will pick the best of an average lot. That was always a possibility so really can't be called a shock.
That’s the pessimistic mopey approach. It’s just as likely that we have 2 or 3 pretty evenly matched good options.

Why do some of you guys think that the QB race still being tight means that all the QBs suck? I just don’t get how you guys always find a way to put a negative spin on everything.
And they had the nerve to kill Richt for running an outdated offense. The fact that it's 2019 and Miami is the last team in the Big 3 to run the spread is mind blowing.

I like the way Enos runs his under center offense.

A lot of coaches use the pro style to justify being overly conservative and playing three yards and a cloud of dust football.

Enos doesn’t do that. He passes from it more than he runs. Lots of playaction, shifts, jet motion. He uses an aggressive under center game that get lots of yards and points.

I like the idea of mixing spread and under center. The championship teams usually do.

Pure spread teams often get dominated and exposed by championship level defense.

I think a hybrid system like Enos runs is perfect for us, especially with the emphasis the staff has put on recruiting o linemen moving forward.