Official Fall Camp PractiSe #7: Wednesday August 9

If I was on the team I would say thanks but no thanks to whoever performs those surgeries and head to Andrews sports medicine (does bama’s surgeries and a lot of other athletes/wrestlers) in Birmingham.
I’m in that area and every player from high school on up go to Andrews. I got a friend who said Andrews pretty much saved his basketball career 20 years ago

David Lake said on a recent podcast said that he believes the issue is somewhat mental... Apparently he doesn't have much cartilage left in his knee and it is pretty much bone on bone. The discomfort is leading to him taking it slow out of fear that he is going to reinjure himself (understandable given his history). But the team's take is that is likely how it is going to be and he is going to have to get used to that feeling if he wants to play. They are willing to play him if he gets over that hurdle, but they aren't waiting on him either.

I won't address the mental aspect, but if the cartilage is that bad, he won't be able to hide that from the NFL. And then, what does it benefit him to try to play his way into the draft?

Bad situation all around.
I won't address the mental aspect, but if the cartilage is that bad, he won't be able to hide that from the NFL. And then, what does it benefit him to try to play his way into the draft?

Bad situation all around.
Sucks for a young man to have that issue already.
Last year I was very uneasy about the offense , OL depth wr’s and the scheme. As you said I posted such leading up to the first game. Everything I hear this go round is much more positive. The biggest positive being the understanding of the playbook. It’s a night and day difference. We’re still thin Im some places but if we remain healthy it’ll look dramatically different imo.
“Not falling for it “