Face the music dmoney

Its wild that a game with two teams with no quarterback but top 20 run defenses with expected results when one of them has a QB with four turnovers would get you ****ed up like this. Y'all just in total melt. Miami is still just a midcard ACC act on the hamster wheel. Miami, Clemson, and NC State had a little round robin midseason tournament the last few weeks and the standings were NC State 2-0, Miami 1-1, and Clemson 0-2. All of that tracks. I thought we'd be a little higher, but its whatever. Hope we can find a quarterback because our head coach has a nasty track record with that position since he got about 75 cents on the dollar our of Justin Herbert.

It was a pretty important game, and we came out and couldn't move the football or finish off drives. The latter is a tradition at Miami, and couple it with our QB having four turnovers...its an L pretty much every time. But jesus ******* christ, enough of the weekly referendums on the program.

We've been so bad for 20 years, I figure you all would be used to this by now.

This wasn't Georgia Tech where we were a national embarrassment. This was just an offense that got its *** kicked...just like we kicked Clemson's ***. Ours was just handed to us this week. Hard times.
Janet Yellen Svb GIF by GIPHY News
Y’all now realizing TVD is not good is not DMoney fault. The signs were there last year but people ignored it. The only reason why people are accepting that TVD is trash now because there is no else to blame.
Agree! All the guys ready to throw in the towel and make it personal with the guys giving their all to give us the intel ain’t about sh! !t, it shows that they want fast gratification and relevance (because I guess life sucks ) and if not they say blow it all up! One frustrated and sad individual in particular (Adelphi) said to tell all the recruits committed here to decommit. Sad to see grown men get so down like that. The GTech game hurt me as much as any Canes fan deeply with the way they lost but you got to eventually be mature enough to get over it as annoying as it may sound to many.
I appreciate the info, always have. while sympathetic to frustration with the pattern of hype then letdown, that's the program, not site.

At this juncture, I'd like insight into whats being done (if anything) to "right the ship". There are experienced people in charge who surely see the problems way better than the fanbase. So, my questions for someone on the inside:
1. Why not at least mix things up for a few series at QB, maybe get a spark? Sticking with something broken isn't the behavior of serious people.
2. Why SO little creativity with offensive play calling, no change or adjustments? Run game is almost exclusively between tackles, and pass game is mostly same 3 receivers, no tight end, similar (often bunch) formations/concepts.
3. Is UM committed to recruiting QBs with elite upside, or is institutional consensus that money is better spent elsewhere, and best to get by hoping for diamonds-in-the-rough and the occasional transfer? Very risky IMO, quality transfers will be hard to come by, expensive, unfamiliar w system, and still a risk.
4. Inside of Hecht, is the goal to refine this caveman garbage and hope to win lots of close, boring games or are we witnessing Plan B in response to a QB who can't protect the ball? If so, what does Plan A look like? Which leads me to my final question...
5. Where is the finger being pointed internally? What would Zo say is the problem? Is it all TVD? How much culpability is recognized for Mario and Dawson? Could there be an OC change under consideration?

More questions than I planned and probably most are not answerable, but any insight on what's going on internally along these lines would be very interesting and appreciated.
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On one hand, yeah he’s been preaching a ton of complete copium and hopium with this staff and recruiting.

On the other, I’m sure he’s just as ****ed as the rest of us are.

Anyone excusing or spinning last night’s performance is a lost cause.
Man even I can’t spin it anymore with Tyler out there